-divine_muse- are you ready? It sucks. I swear. It's horrible. I tried to base it off of her personality but it looks horrible. Also, Angie mentions that she likes pianying in peaceful areas so that's kinda what I was going for. I'm sorry. I'll make Rantaro's better...
*sigh* here's the outside. For some readkn my skin suddenly changed to Steve. *sigh*
*sigh* here's the living room *sigh*
*sigh* then there's the kitchen *sigh*
*sigh* I added some decorations in front of the room *sigh*
*sigh* here's the bedroom. She has a bunk bed for when himiko sleeps over *sigh*
*sigh* Angie's art wall *sjgh*
Also, this is the area in front of her room. I'm sorry it turned out like this. I'll try harder on Rantaro's Appartment.