May god have mercy for all who read this book-
Alabama scaddles into the room,
"Whats up y'all its your redneck home grown downtown country state!"
"Dame that was a toung twister!,"
"Anyways we got too questions here and my god, ...why did the community force this on me?"
[Technical Difficulties!]
"Well oooooooooEeeEeooOo the answer is Louisana-"
"LoUiSaNa iS a WoRk oF sAtAn!"
[Techinical Difficulties]
"SidedDouble .... Why the fuck did you ask me? Ask the coastal debunked cousin stealers!"
"Dame you coastal hags,"
"Wont let me fuck Mississipi!..."
[Technical Difficulties!]
Im sorry lmao- the amount of difficulties is off the charts xD
Word Count: 93