Twenty Five

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It was a Friday afternoon and I found myself scrolling through my iPad in the kitchen trying to look up recipes. I had been craving some chocolate muffins but sadly, I didn't have enough money to go and buy some at the store. They're only $5 a pack, but that's how broke I was. Couldn't even afford a damn muffin.

I had rummaged through my cabinets and was lucky enough to find the correct ingredients. After that, I had quickly tried to look up a decent recipe that I could make in no time. But as soon as I had successfully found one, the doorbell rang. I groaned in annoyance. I just wanted some muffins man.

I lazily walked over to the door and came face to face with Felix. My brows furrowed in confusion. I never told him where I lived, so how the hell did he know how to get here?

"Felix? Who the hell told you where I live?" I gave him a weird look.

"I have my ways," He smirked.

I stared at him for a moment.

"Chan told you, huh?"


I rolled my eyes, of course that rat did. He doesn't know how to shut his mouth.

"Well, come in, I guess," I opened the door wider for him to be able to step in.

He stepped inside and looked around as if he were in another dimension. He casually took a seat on my coach and propped his feet up on the coffee table.

"Get your dusty, musty feet off my coffee table," I scolded him.

He pouted but removed them anyways.

"So, what are you here for?" I asked him.

"I'm actually here to pick you up and take you roller skating like I told you a week ago," he shrugged.

"Are you sure about that? Because last time I checked, roller skating was way more dangerous than bowling," I snorted.

"Pfft, please. What's the worse that can happen?" Felix laughed.

"Hmm, let's see here. You can fall and land on your face, you can twist or break an ankle, maybe even both, you can break an arm, you can-"

"Ugh, just go and get ready woman, you're such a party popper," Felix groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes but went to go get ready nonetheless. After I was finished, Felix and I exited my apartment and began the short walk to the roller skating place.

"Just a fair warning, I'm the master of roller skating," Felix bragged as we walked.

"Pfft, please. You can barely walk, let alone roller skate, I think not," I looked over at his feet and laughed at how weird he walked.

"Bet," He challenged.

"Alright, bet," I looked him in the eye.

"If I win, you have to give me a kiss," he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Ew no, gross," I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Aw come on now, if you're really so confident that you're gonna win, then you don't have to worry about that," He gave me a smug smile.

I hesitated but agreed. I really hoped I won because I wasn't ready to kiss someone else. The only person I really wanted to kiss was basically cheating on me.

"How about if you win?" He asked me.

"You have to run down my street naked," I responded.

"Ugh, again?" He rolled his eyes.

"What? Again?" My eyes widened.

"You mean, you've done this before?" I asked in disbelief.

"Duh, who do you think I am?" He scoffed.

Well that is true. Felix was an unknown species for all I knew.

"We're here!" He cheered as we walked up to the entrance.

The skating rink was wide and filled with tons of people. Each had a pair of roller skates and skated as if their life depended on it. Some  were really good, but some slipped and fell on their butt. I had a feeling that was going to be me soon.

There was a disco ball in the center of the room on the roof and illuminated the whole room with its colorful lights. Laughter was heard everywhere you turned and people stuffing their face with food this place offered.

Your mouth watered at the sight of pizza but quickly snapped out of it when Felix called out for you.

"Eva, come on, I got our skates, let's go change in them quickly so you can see my cool tricks!" Felix dragged me over to a bench.

When we were finished, I wobbled my way closer to the rink and grabbed onto the railing for dear life. This was so not a great idea.

As I reached the edge of the rink, I stopped and stared at everyone who passed by me. How the hell did people manage to do this so neatly? I turned and saw Felix staring as well and I called out for him.

"Felix! Hurry up and show me your tricks," I smirked.

A wave of nervousness flashed over his face but quickly disappeared as it was replaced with a smirk.

"I was just warming up," he lied.

"Yeah, sure you were," I snickered.

He slowly got up and started making his way over to me. His feet barely even moved and he almost slipped. I was totally winning this bet.

"Stop stalling and show me your tricks already," I shot him an annoyed look.

"Hold up woman, damn. You're so impatient," he stuck his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes at his childish antics and waited. He looked around at the people skating and looked back at me as if asking me if I was serious. I gave him a knowing look and he shut his eyes in frustration. He hesitantly stuck his foot in and let go of the railing. He tried to move to the center of the rink, but almost slipped and fell backwards.

"You're doing great, sweetie," I laughed.

"Shut up and come here," he glared at me.

"No, I think I'm good here," I waved him off.

He stared at me long and hard before I sighed and started making my way over to him. I got inside the rink and slowly but steadily, let go of the railing. I made my way over to him in slow motion, not wanting to slip.

"You better hold onto me because I'm not about to fall," I said as I neared him.

His arm reached out to me and finally took a hold of my hand. He pulled me closer to him, my skates just an inch from his.

"Ok so, I think we just have to move our feet," he said as he looked down at both of our feet.

"No duh, what else are we supposed to do? Crawl? Kiss each other's feet?" I stated sarcastically.

"I mean, if you insist," he winked.

"I was being sarcastic!" I hit him on the shoulder, but unfortunately, a bit too hard causing him to grab onto my arms and fall back, pulling me along with him.

Both of our screams caused people to turn to us as we fell, my head smacking on Felix's chest while his smacked on the slippery, wooden floor.

"Ow," he groaned.

I lifted my head and my eyes met his. Mine immediately widened as I realized our position. I had landed on top of Felix. I quickly looked away and tried to get up, but struggled to do so.

"Felix, this is all your fault! I told you this was a bad-"

"Eva?" A soft voice interrupted my small lecture.

I froze as I recognized the voice.


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