Twenty Two

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I sneezed for the hundredth time into my tissue. I had woken up the next day with a headache and a runny nose. I had made no attempt to get out of bed, nor did I have a reason to. His words replayed in my head over and over again, still finding it hard to process. 

I mean, what could have possibly went wrong? Everything was fine, well I least I thought it was. But to be fair, he never showed any signs indicating that he was unhappy. The thing that really hurt me was that he didn't seem to care. He had bluntly expressed his feelings and left me standing outside like a dog. 

After what felt like an eternity, tears ran down my cheeks. I hadn't cried until now, and to be honest, it felt good to let all these emotions run wild. I was tired of keeping it all in. My tears soon soaked my pillow and I turned away, wiping them away with the back of my hand. I was a big fat mess and it hasn't even been a full day since this happened. 

To keep my mind off of him, I decided to scroll through social media in hopes of finding a funny meme that would make me laugh, maybe even possibly make me pee myself. But what I came across next made my heart drop and make tears fall all over again. 

Right at the top of my instagram feed was a picture of Jisung and an unknown girl. She was pretty. Her long, black hair cascaded down her shoulders and her eyes were big and bright as she hugged Jisung. She wore a big grin, showing off her perfect teeth. Jisung stood beside her with the same grin as he hugged her back. His caption seemed a bit more friendly than expected.

It read, "Always you<3" 

I quickly shut my phone off and got up. I thought he had said a break. What did he think a break meant? I silently scoffed and grabbed my stuff, not bothered in the slightest about how I looked. I trudged down the sidewalk and walked into the nearest convenience store and purchased a big tub of ice cream. I sat outside, on the dirty cement and opened the ice cream, sticking a spoon and scooping up a huge amount before shoving it into my mouth. 

His caption flashed through my eyes and I hated it. I shouldn't have went on social media. If I would have known, I would have never bothered to even get online. That stupid diseased giraffe had probably wanted me to see that. After all, he knew how to get under my skin.

Loud laughter interrupted my thoughts and I sighed feeling annoyed. It was 11 at night and people obviously didn't know what sleep was. I continued to shove my spoon down my tub of ice cream and shoved it into my mouth as tears dropped, landing right into the tub. Stupid feelings, I wish they didn't exist. 

"Hey, you! You're the girl that showed up at Jisung's door yesterday-" 

Felix stopped once he realized that I was crying. 

"Woah, you're a mess. What's up, buttercup?" he said as he laughed at his little rhyme. 

He was accompanied by another boy who stood to the side and smiled sympathetically at me as he noticed my tears. Felix took a seat next to me and looked at me expectantly. 

"So? What's up? Why are you crying? And can you please tell me your name?" He asked all these questions and stared at me, waiting for a response.

I glared at him. 

"Go away," I dismissed him. 

"Aw, come on. If you tell me your name, I'll be on my way," he promised. 

I stayed silent for a moment before I agreed. 

"Fine, it's Eva," I told him.

"Well, Eva, why are you crying?" He asked once again as he leaned his head on his knee, his eyes trying to meet my gaze. 

"I thought you said you would leave me alone if I told you my name," I pointed out. 

"Well I changed my mind," he shrugged before looking back at the boy accompanying him. 

"You can go ahead and head home, Woojin. We'll catch up later," Felix told him, Woojin nodding in the process and bid him a goodbye before leaving, smiling at me as he walked away. 

"Now that it's just us two, you can tell me," Felix urged. 

"I'm not telling you, it's not like you would understand anyways," I quietly said as I played around with my ice cream, feeling full all of a sudden. 

"Maybe I do, but you just have to trust me," He gave me a reassuring smile and I sighed. 

"Well if you really wanna know, why don't you ask your stupid friend Jisung," I rolled my eyes.

"Jisung? What did that squirrel do now?" Felix asked, confused. 

"Well, I'm his 'girlfriend', not sure if you can consider us that anymore," I shrugged. 

"Woah wait, you're his girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes widening at the realization. 

"Yeah, why is that such a surprise to you?" I asked him.

"Well I mean, I knew Jisung had a girlfriend, but I didn't think it would be you of all people," He admitted. 

"What? Am I that ugly to you?" I asked, feeling a little offended.

"What? No! If anything he's the ugly one," Felix laughed as I smiled a little. 

"But if you don't mind me asking, what did he do that has you crying here at nearly 12," he looked at my half empty tub of ice cream. 

I looked down and let out a shaky breath. 

"We're on a break, his decision not mine,"I finally said as I looked at Felix. 

Felix frowned.

"A break? Why in the world would he want a break?"He scoffed. 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," I muttered. 

He was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"Hey, it's just a break, you guys will be back in no time," he reassured me, trying to make me feel better.

"Pfft, yeah right, then why did I see him hugging some girl on instagram?" I stabbed my ice cream.

"Girl?" he asked. 

"Yup," I popped the p.

"She's probably just a friend," He waved it off. 

"Oh sure, because he'd totally want to only be 'friends' with a pretty girl like her," I air quoted friends.

"Besides....why wouldn't he leave me for a pretty girl like her," I stated quietly.

Felix stared at me long and hard, making me feel a little self conscious.

"What?" I asked him a bit rudely. 

"You're pretty too."

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