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A smirk took over my face. I didn't realise it at the time, but a part of my past slowly crept in, a secret that i had buried deep down slowly surfaced.

Bad - Lennon Stella.
!!! Please please go listen to the song, this is probably the only song in all my chapters that fits exactly to my story. So please check out the lyrics and it will literally be like an added chapter of how Roselette feels about Alexander. Keep in mind the she is Rain!!!!

"I  W I S H  T H A T  Y O U  W O U L D' V E  T R E A T E D  M E  B A D

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"I W I S H
T H A T Y O U W O U L D' V E
B A D."

By the next day, everybody heard of our fight that led to the 'breakup of the power couple'. And by a week Alexander was still no where to be seen, he had skip classes and skipped lunch, which really helped me to keep up my facade. I had cried myself to sleep the first night of the breakup, which of course nobody knew about and cried silently any moment I had alone. For example the shower, and in my dorm room when Charlotte, Julia, Ryder and James wasn't with me. Other then an occasional "are you really alright?" Or "do you want to talk about it?" Or even a reassuring smile, they spoke nothing about it, and i was grateful. To everybody else, the breakup didn't do anything to me, i didn't show any emotion and still laughed and smiled with my closer friends. They officially named me the cold hearted queen. But at least I was still queen, I wasn't some loser crying over a boy.

It was lunch time, and as usual I was the last one in our group to get our lunch and by the time I did get it, they were already halfway finished. Twenty minutes into lunch break, the door opened. Why was it so significant? Because nobody is ever late for lunch.

The door opened to reveal Alexander King. His hair was messier than normal and his head hung low. Nobody- at least I couldn't see his face as he walked in. Xavier walked at his right, one step behind, and surprisingly, rain woods and Scarlett walked right behind them,

So they formed their little rebellion group.

"Pathetic, I mean, doesn't really surprise me, four of the most self obsessed, arrogant people forming a group is honestly something bound to happen." Julia exclaimed quietly as we returned to eating.

Ryder and James snickered, and nodded along in agreement, a week ago the two of them had gotten in a fight with Xavier and Alexander.

Charlotte continued on for Julia, she rested a hand over mine. "Well," she grinned, "we've got the center table."

We all looked over again, curious in where they were gonna sit and unsurprisingly they were sitting at a table where a group of nerds were just sitting.

"Now they're stealing nerds table? How low can they get?"

"This is embarrassing just to watch! To think we were ever friends with them!"

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