Chapter One

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Roselle's Point Of View~

The bell rang shocking me out of my daydream. I hurriedly gathered up my notebook and pens, shoving them into the beaten down brown knapsack I've been using since the 8th grade. I shoved my head down, my hair creating blinders on either side of my face and slinked around the conversing bodies in order to get to lunch. As I rushed down the hall, I saw my twin brother playing hacky sacks with a group of people, showing off his finely cultivated skills. People formed a circle around him, clapping and cheering him on. Shaggy got all of the popular genes while I got more brains. He was always making friends and talking to anybody who would listen, while I hung more in the shadows, preferring to listen rather than speak. Being invisible made it easier to learn more about people. People will do and say things when they forget they have an audience.

I unlocked my car and threw my bag against the passenger side door ignoring the pens spilling out onto the tan car floor. I pulled out the Diet Coke and apple slices from the cooler in the backseat. I reached into the glove box and pulled out a newspaper and a red marker. As I bit into an apple, I began highlighting key points in an article about the recent attacks of a snow monster in the towns surrounding Coolsville. I love mysteries and the town of Coolsville seemed to be a hub for the supernatural. The excitement of 'whodunit' and the thrill of solving it makes my skin scrawl in the best way. I've left numerous anonymous tips to Sheriff Stone solving the crimes he failed to solve. The Sheriff is a nice guy, just kind of dense. I only minded slightly that he took 100% credit for solving the mysteries but knew it was for the better, teenage girls aren't exactly widely respected as sleuths. Mystery books and leaving anonymous tips didn't exactly satisfy my thirst for mystery solving. I want to be up close in the action, following the clues, figuring it all out; for once, I want to be the hero.

the Snow Monster stumped me, however. I wasn't exactly used to solving mysteries of big, hairy snow monsters. Creeps in masks pretending to be a vampire, a wolf-man or swamp monster to rob banks, wild schemes to drive people off land to make property values lower and the like were familiar for our small town. This Snow Monster, however, was driving workers and miners out of the Coolsville mines. It's odd, those mines have been practically barren for twenty-five years until some kids got trapped. When they found and rescued the kids, they dislodged a hidden cave full of coal. Coal, while valuable, shouldn't mean much to a snow monster, which made me think there was something else in those caves...

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud rapping on the passenger window. I looked up to see Shaggy. I unlocked the door and he climbed in and shut the door behind him.

"Like, hey Rose. You doin' okay?" I nodded and folded up the newspaper, clipping the red marker over the pages and set it down. I took a sip of the coke and popped an apple in my mouth and turned to look at him.

"What's up, Shag?" He shrugged, taking an apple from the bag.

"Just thought I'd come say hey to my baby sister." He spoke before shoving another apple slice into his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm younger by a minute and 36 seconds, man." I said. He laughed. My brother worried about me like I was seven years old. It was sweet he loved me and I knew how lucky I was to have such an amazing brother, of course. However, sometimes he worried too much. He didn't like how he was essentially my only friend, nor did he understand my fascination with mystery solving. Before I knew it, the bell was ringing.

"Oh crap! I'm going to be late!" I reached around Shaggy's gangly legs to grab my bag forgetting the fallen pens. I ran out of the car and locked it as Shaggy got out.

"Chill out, man. Who cares." Shaggy said lazily as he moseyed around the car messing with his hacky sack. I rolled my eyes.

"See you at home." I yelled over my shoulder before running off to class as fast as I could. Unfortunately, Shaggy got all the athletic genes too.


Of course, risking my lungs didn't even matter, I was still three minutes late and Dr. Yantz gave me detention. I sighed as I slumped into my chair all the way in the back and laid my head in my hands. I rarely ever got detention, I was too shy to misbehave. When I went digging to get a pen, I realized they were all still in my car.

"Psst. Here." A soft voice called to me. I turned my head to see a short raven haired girl holding a pen out to me. I grasped it while mouthing my thanks before starting to take notes.

"Velma! No talking. That's detention for you too." I frowned as Dr. Yantz called her out. I saw a blush form on her cheeks as a few faces turned to look back at her. I instantly felt bad. She wouldn't have gotten detention if it weren't for me. I listened lazily while jotting down some of the important information as Dr. Yantz droned on about something or another. After what felt like an eternity, the bell rang. I slinked up to the front desk and took the detention slip and then headed to my last class of the day, English. I sat in the back while the girl I have envied since the minute she moved here sat right in the front. Daphne Blake. She was exceptionally beautiful; long ginger locks, designer clothes that fit her body snuggly and attractively and bright green eyes that jumped at the chance to answer a question. I admired her greatly; she's kind and generous and humble. I'd jump at the chance to switch bodies with her.

Halfway through the class, Daphne's phone rang and she landed in detention. I rolled my eyes. I wonder who else would land in there.

Word Count: 1,058

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