Chapter Four

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Roselle's Point Of View~

I sat squished in the middle of Fred and Daphne on the red vinyl bench, sipping greedily at the milkshake. None of us spoke for a few minutes. It was almost uncomfortable but overall fine. Finally Daphne spoke up.

"Freddie, why did you invite us all here? What did Rose mean, 'solve a mystery'?Are we planning a mystery themed birthday?" I chuckled at the thought of a bunch of seventeen year olds, trapezing through town solving a made-up mystery.

"Actually, Fred and I need you help to solve the mystery of the Abominable Snow Monster. We're going to save the town and protect the Mayor." The group looked shocked at my voice. I suppose I didn't talk to often, making me saying a long sentence, surprising. Daphne looked at me bewildered, as if I just told her I was an alien from Pluto and I was there to eat her soul.

"But how can we help? Shouldn't we just leave it to Sheriff Stone? He's always solved the towns mysteries." Daphne questioned.

"Well, Rose here is actually behind all of that. She solves the mysteries and leaves an anonymous tip at the sheriff's office. Sheriff Stone is practically incompetent." Freddie spoke up. It was kind of nice to hear him sort of stand up for me, revealing my secret to everyone. I blushed when everyone turned their head towards, Velma raised a quizzically eyebrow, as if asking if it were true. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, It's true. I was working on the Abominable Snow Monster case already, before detention earlier today and I told Fred i'd go in deeper to help protect his dad. It was his idea to form this team." They waited patiently for me to continue. I took a deep breath, I hadn't talked this much in one time for a while. Thankfully, Fred jumped in to defend his plan. "Daphne, you are clever and brave, you have years of acting experience which could provide a good distraction if need be. Plus, your family is pretty wealthy, you'd be able to get us equipment and supplies. Velma is incredibly smart, good with chemicals and equations, plus a ton of other things. She can formulate ways to catch the monster will chemical bombs or whatever. I am strong and brave. I'm not afraid to take charge and be a leader, thanks to theater, plus I'm a stagehand which made me pretty strong. Plus, It's my dad we are trying to save. Shaggy, technically, you weren't invited, but you are brave in your own right and you care about people and can work on a team, plus I've seen you at track meets, you can run pretty fast. As for Rose, she's got the smarts and the strategy to solve the mystery having solved a ton before. Plus, she's the one who offered to solve this for me, giving me the idea to form a gang of sleuths." He lets out a breath of air as he finished telling us about why we were invited. I was surprised to hear that he thought I was smart enough to solve this mystery. We all blushed lightly at his compliments.

"Rhat about me?" Scooby asked. The table laughed.

"Scoob, you'll be the mascot. That is an incredibly important job." Fred said, scratching his head. Daphne looked at me, bewildered. "Scooby-doo here can talk, yes. Don't be weird about it." I said. Fred didn't seem freaked out as he was the one who responded to the question from the dog, simply moving past it.

"Okay, so we solve the mystery. We protect the mayor. How do we do that?" Velma said clinically. This had been the first time she talked all evening. I looked at everyone at the table in the eyes. We all still looked frightened. Finally all eyes fell on Fred- he did name himself leader, and I was perfectly happy with that. He looked at us before making face of steely resolve.

"We come up with a plan."


We sat at that Diner for a long time. Forming the best way to draw out the Abominable Snow Monster. We couldn't use the mayor as bait as it would cause Fred to panic and likely mess up the plan. So we decided Fred would dress up as his father. Walk around the town with his "bodyguards" AKA, Shaggy and Scooby. Shaggy used to sneak Scooby into school when we first got him by saying he had a skin and bone condition. We figured it work again. Then, Daphne, Velma and I would sit in trees in the center of town, primed to throw a weighted net over his head when he stood in the middle of the Square, effectively catching him and stopping the attacks.

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