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over the past few weeks i really have been getting super close to the guys. they've all been super supportive of me and they're all literally my best friends.

"anyone want some avocado toast?" i said in the kitchen. 

"yeah" jakob said.

"aye, me too" tommy added.

"and me" alex said.

"okay." i made the avocado toast and sat down at the table with my laptop to begin editing my video.

i got a little off track and started scrolling through my instagram feed. tommy had posted a picture and he was looking a little too good. i stared at it for a little bit before someone whispered in my ear, "i'm glad you like the picture" i turned around and it was tommy, so i lightly slapped his chest.

"i was just about to be a good friend and comment on it but i just had to think about what to comment. don't get it twisted bb" i said.

"okay." he said sitting next to me. we engaged in a short conversation before i got up to put both of our plates in the sink. i started washing some of the dishes in the sink.

"ken, wanna go out tonight?" tommy asked me as he picked up a plate to wash.

"yeah, where did you wanna go?" i asked, planning my outfit.

"well, i was thinking that i could take you to this one spot that i found a couple months back, and we could have a little picnic. super cute for your vsco." he said in a girly voice.

"okay, i'm down." i smiled.

"perfect. we're leaving at 7 so you better get ready. knowing you it'll take 5 hours." he said.

"shut up." i smiled. 

i finished editing my video and by that time it was around 6:00. i put a little bit of mascara on and some concealer just to cover my blemishes. i took out my contacts and switched into my glasses and then changed into one of tommy's hoodies and leggings. 

"you ready to go?" tommy asked leaning against my door frame.

"yup." i smiled, walking out of the door. we got into my car and i let him drive since i didn't know where we were going. i put my feet on his lap because i wanted to relax more.

"kendall what are you doing" he laughed.

"gettin comfy" i smiled

i snapped a pic of him driving and posted it to my instagram story

i snapped a pic of him driving and posted it to my instagram story

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once we arrived, tommy got the basket and picnic blanket out. it was the prettiest overlook. you could literally see all of LA from that one spot. it was gorgeous. he brought out cane's and he got me chicken tenders.

"you know me too well." i said as i opened the box. we sat and chatted for a while and honestly it was perfect. like i was just falling and falling in love with the beautiful boy sitting next to me.

after we had eaten it was getting really dark, so we laid down and watched the stars. i was smiling while watching the stars, it was one of my most favorite things to do.

"you're beautiful." tommy said staring at me. i began staring at him, my eyes shifting gazes between his eyes, eventually leading to his lips. before i knew it, we were kissing. and it was the most amazing thing ever.

"you might be the most beautiful man i've ever laid my eyes on." i said smiling at him.

we began holding hands as we were laying down, occasionally staring at each other.

"kendall, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"i thought you'd never ask." i smiled, kissing him once more.

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