seroshinkami - shinsou's birthday

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[ pairing/s: kaminari denki, hanta sero, hitoshi shinsou ]

"Are you sure he's gonna like it?" Sero asked uneasily as he cradled a squirming and writhing ball of fur to his chest.

Denki just clucked his tongue, holding up the bag of various toys and furniture they'd gotten. "If he doesn't, I'm gonna shock him till he does."

Sero laughed at that, trying to soothe the irritable kitten in his arms by scratching behind its ears. "Hey.. wait a minute! How did you even get the permission to bring this thing into the dorms?"

Denki grinned. "I asked Aizawa-sensei. He said no, then I asked Present Mic-sensei who talked his ear off till he said yes." He smirked. "Toshi lives with them when we're not in the dorms, didn't you know?"

Sero shook his head, laughing. "Yeah, I know. I just can't believe you did that. It's like when you ask your dad and he says no, so you ask your mom and she cons him into it."

"Exactly!" He laughed, leading them towards the tall building that was their dormitory. "I asked when he was around Present Mic for a reason~ as soon as I mentioned it was for Toshi, you should've seen how they lit up. Like even Aizawa-sensei. Bet he's gonna wander inside the dorms a lot more, just to see the kitty," He hummed.

"If you can call it that," Sero said, holding up the cat in his arms. "It looks like.. more of.. an angry raccoon."

Denki swatted his arm, pouting. "Does not! He's adorable. Shut up." He handed the bag to Sero as they walked inside, wearing a serious expression. "Okay, so I'm gonna distract Hitoshi, and you set all the stuff up in his room. Just walk out when you're ready to go, kay?"

Sero struggled to hold the cat and the bag, but he still nodded. "Yeah, just hustle."

Denki ran inside to the common room, and Sero could hear him babbling on and on about a song he'd heard on the radio, then heard as Denki practically dragged their boyfriend into the kitchen for a drink.

He slipped into Shinsou's room (he had a spare key, it'd been like a one year anniversary gift) and shut the door, setting the rowdy cat on the bed before dumping everything in the bag out. He set the cat bed on the floor and set up the food and water bowls, then quickly blew up the cute purple balloons they'd bought, scattering them around the room.

He wrestled with the cat for a solid minute to get the collar on the thing, then managed to sneak out without letting him go. He dusted himself off, then wandered into the kitchen, where Shinsou was listening to Denki talk up and down about the movie that was coming out that weekend.

He waved to the blonde, who perked up and nudged Shinsou. "Hey, Hanta's here! Let's go to your room and have a cuddle party," He grinned, and the purple haired male just grumbled, standing up.

He grabbed onto Sero, slinging an arm around him and kissing his temple. "Where were you at, hmm?"

"Just running late," Sero shrugged, leaning on him as they walked to Shinsou's room.

Shinsou unlocked the door and stepped inside, letting both of his boyfriends in before flicking the light on.

He blinked in surprise at the huge cat that sat on his bed, and the mess of popped purple balloons all over the floor.

Sero groaned, slapping his forehead. "Are you serious? Man, it took so much air to blow those things up!"

"Uhhhm, happy birthday?" Denki said sheepishly, sitting on the bed beside the cat. "We know how much you like cats, and uh, we adopted this guy for you. He's fluffy and cute even if he tries to act all grumpy," He hummed, cuddling the cat. "Reminds me of you and Aizawa-sensei."

Shinsou cleared his throat, looking away to hide the slight twinkle in his dark eyes. "Isn't there a no pets allowed rule?"

"We talked to Aizawa-sensei and got permission, don't worry!" Denki chirped, petting the fluffy cat which now laid on his lap. "So.. you gonna name him?"

Shinsou skulked over to the bed, sitting beside them and gently petting the cat. "I think I'll call him Eraser." He said quietly, breaking into a grin as the cat crawled onto him.

"That's fitting," Sero hummed, rubbing the back of his neck. He was pretty jealous that the stupid cat didn't seem to like him. "Anyways.."

Shinsou looked up at the other male, raising a brow. "Something wrong, Hanta?"

Sero fished around in his pants pocket for a minute, pulling a black box out after a minute. "I guess it ain't as cool as a cat, but uh.." He handed it over to Shinsou. "That's what I picked out for you."

Shinsou opened the box, smiling as he pulled out a silver chain with a ring hung on it. There was a simple purple gem embedded in it, and a small heart carved inside. He glanced up at Sero, who pulled out his own matching version with a black gem, then to Denki, who had a yellow gem.

He laughed softly, putting it on and tucking it under his scarf. "It's gorgeous." He hummed softly, grabbing Sero's hand and dragging him down so he could peck his lips. He turned to kiss Denki, then smiled ever so slightly. "Thanks. I appreciate it, a lot."

Denki snuggled into him, grinning. "It's your birthday, you don't have to thank you!"

Sero hummed, punching Shinsou's shoulder playfully. "Are you in the mood to go get dinner? Where ever you wanna go, we'll pay."

Shinsou shrugged, petting the cat in his lap. "I want tacos." 

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