seroshinkami - paw patrol

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[ pairing: kaminari denki, hanta sero, hitoshi shinsou. pet au + pro-hero au. ]

"This is no fair, when is Aizawa gonna let us go patrolling with him?" Denki whined, stretched out in his nest bed, his tail waving from side to side in irritation. "We've been here longer than you have, Shinsou!"

"Watch it, I won't hesitate to eat you," the purple-haired cat bared his teeth. "You and Sero have done little to nothing to prove yourselves," he scolded, wrapping the long binding cloth around his neck. "I've shown Aizawa how determined I am to be a hero while you two just whine and sleep and play around all day."

Sero sat up in his bed, growling softly. "Don't be so up your own ass, bro! We work really hard too!"

Shinsou doesn't pay them any mind, slipping on his coat. "You don't take anything seriously. Being a hero isn't fun and games, and you two don't know when to act serious." He said curtly, before stepping outside.

Denki crawled out of his nest, wandering over to Sero's bed before flopping over on top of him. "Not faaaair. We can do anything he can do, maybe even more," He sulked. "I wish I could show Aizawa how useful we are. With my electricity.. and your tape, especially your tape!" He whined, tail smacking angrily against the floor.

Sero rolled onto him without crushing him, gently licking the mouse's ears, brushing down the messy fur. "Quit gettin' so bent out of shape, you'll cause the power to short-circuit with all the static you're putting out," He mumbled, resting his head on top of Denki's. "Don't worry. Soon enough, Aizawa-sensei will realize we're good too." He sighed. "Guess we'd better just act a little more serious."

The following week, Sero and Denki worked five times as hard at their daily training in the gym, didn't crack a single joke, and were as stern as possible. They were determined to prove their worth. Seeing Shinsou get to go out and do hero work while they were stuck at home bothered them to no end.

Eventually, it seemed to pay off. Come Friday, Aizawa had asked them to meet him in his office.

After training, the two hybrids trotted behind Aizawa, taking a seat in the two chairs in front of the man's desk. "What's this about?" Sero asked, hoping it was something good, at least.

Aizawa scratched at his cheek. "I can tell you two have been working extra hard. What's the big deal? What are you so fired up for? I'm certainly not complaining.. but. I'm curious."

Denki leaned forward in his seat, huffing. "Shinsou called us slackers. Basically said we'd never get to go on patrol with you and that we'll never be heroes cause we play too much." He crossed his arms. "He's got a lot of nerve, man! Hanta and I are just as strong, if not stronger, than him. We've been here for a whole year and he's only been here a month, yet he gets to do more stuff than us! It's not fair."

Aizawa sighed heavily, rolling a pencil around on his desk. "That's because I adopted you from good homes and I'm still teaching you to unlock your power. Shinsou came from the streets, he knows how to work his power after being forced to get along on his own for so many years. You two will make wonderful heroes, I just wasn't ready to expose you to that yet."

Sero's ears flattened. "Sensei, we're not babies, yknow. We've seen stuff, we've been through stuff. I know everyone thinks that we're all fun and jokes, but we can be serious too!" He frowned. "Can't we just get one chance to prove ourselves?"

The older man was quiet for a long while, just looking out of the window in the corner of the room, watching as the sky grew darker. "If you two can meet me outside by 9 tonight.. I guess you can go," He said after a few minutes, turning back to them. "Remember, this isn't a game. This is serious. There could be lives at stake, there could be murderers, thieves.. it can get rough."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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