SIX: Chase

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I curse under my breath at Layla's shrill voice. Loud and demanding, Layla is another recruit in Savannah's class, and the reason why I had to swear off mixing business and pleasure for good. But Layla hasn't quite come to terms with that decision. She still calls me, texts me, and guards me jealously. 

I need an explanation for my early exit with one of the new fighters. But I'm drawing a blank. At least not without the truth.

Layla runs in front of us and blocks our path. "Hey, where are you guys going?" She's all wide-eyed innocence, like she just happened to run into us in this private back exit, that's supposed to be used by staff only.

"Hey Layla, I, uh, just have to take Savannah here to meet her boyfriend, Bryan. He's entertaining Tim and Allen, the VIP guests, and went down the street with them. I just want to make sure she gets there okay."

I'm bad at lying. 

I watch Layla survey Savannah's appearance suspiciously. She doesn't quite look club ready in her men's coat and spandex shorts.

"Bryan's going to take her home," I say quickly.

"Soo...does that mean I'll see you later?" asks Layla.


"Okay," says Layla in an annoyed voice.

I look back at Layla, willing her to not do something silly, like ask to tag along. That will never work.

"I'll call you," I say rashly, hoping that will push her over the edge towards letting us go. It's a bad move and doesn't move us any closer to the ultimate goal, which is for her to forget about me and leave me alone for good. I can see Savannah scowling out of the corner of my eye. The ladies ignore each other. I know Layla and Savannah have met, but it hadn't seemed like they'd really hit it off.

Eventually, I talk Layla into leaving but it takes some doing. After she finally walks away, I look at Savannah expectantly. "Ready?"

She looks mad. "This is stupid," she mumbles crossing her arms.

"What?" I ask thinking she means Layla. "You made me promise not to tell her. Which made things difficult."

"Are you really going to call her?" asks Savannah.

"Err...maybe later," I say as I finally open the door to the frigid air outside. I don't want to admit that I really hope not. But knowing Layla, she might wait around staring at her phone until I do. Although she's annoying and we're definitely over, I don't want to purposely hurt her feelings.

The storm's gotten worse. It's really quite cold. I'm glad I insisted on escorting Savannah, I can't imagine her making her way safely home in her state in this weather. She's already shivering, and without thinking about it, I circle my arm around her waist and pull her to me as we walk, trying to keep her warm.

She looks surprised but doesn't fight me. "Did you call a car?" She yells over the wind.

"What? No. We're taking mine." I shuttle her towards a side street where I've parked in front of a boarded-up food mart.

"Can you drive?" Savannah asks suspiciously.

"Yes. Of course!" I snap. I look at my watch. "I don't drink when I'm working. I've had two beers in the last, like, eight hours. Along with six cups of coffee. We'll be totally fine."

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