Feels like Family

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Hineahuone Lola DePoe was at 16, officially an orphan. Her Mother had died during childbirth and her father had recently died in an accident.
She wasn't all that sad about it. She loved the idea of having a father but the idea and reality were two completely different things. He wasn't a horrible man, just terrible at being a dad.

So now, she was being bussed from Neah bay to Port Angeles to live with her godmother, Tiffany Call.

Tiffany, from what she could remember was a kind and quiet sort of woman who loved completely with all her heart. Just like Tiffany, Embry, her son was just as loving and kind but unlike her he was excitable and boisterous.

She couldn't wait to get there. Although, there would be no time to rest since her first day in La Push would be spent in a classroom.  She wouldn't get to actually rest until after school hours which completely blew. The worst part was, she wouldn't even get to study with Embry on the reservation because she technically wasn't from the La Push tribe.

They were so strict when it came to bloodlines and since she had no blood connection she was practically deemed an intruder. She hated to be forced to school with pale faces, but her own tribe was equally exclusive. The Makah went as far as shaming her for her Halfblood status. 

This little fact, she kept hidden for fear of disgust . She didn't want her aunt and cousin to think of her as burdening them with her perceived freakishness. It wasn't natural as most tribes married between other tribes or within their own.

She pushed the maudlin thoughts from her head and rested her eyes sleeping the rest of the way.


Embry sat impassively in the back of his mum's car waiting for his cousin Lola to arrive. Tiffany woke him up at far too early O' clock so they could get to Port Angeles to pick her up and they'd been there for almost an hour and a half.

He tried as hard as he could to snooze a bit, but his mother had other ideas; talking his ears off in excitement, notably how big her precious 'baby girl' had gotten.

By now, he was bored to tears and incredibly tired which wasn't at all helping his mood. To top it all up, he hadn't even had breakfast yet.

All thoughts left his mind and joy swelled his chest as he finally saw her bus. He propelled himself from the car, ignoring his mother. He waved frantically at her beaming like a dork. She looked exactly as he remembered but older.

She had long brown hair, falling down her back, sleek and smooth like a river. Her brown soulful eyes and pretty bowed mouth, curled in a smile. She opened her arms in a hug for him.

She was a bit taller, making the embrace a little harder for him. He brushed it off as she rubbed his hair in a jovial manner.

"Hey Em, Hi Aunty Tiff"
"Hi my baby girl, I'm so glad to see you." Embry couldn't help but admire his two girls. Glad to see family together again.
"It sucks about your dad, but I am glad you get to live with us"
"Too be honest, I'm glad I get to stay with you guys too. And thanks Embry, it means a lot to me" Tiffany looked at her watch and pursed her lips.
"Sorry to cut the reunion short, but I best get us back to forks or the two of you won't be going to school"
"I don't see how that's a bad Thing" Embry cheeks his mother.
"Still a brat I see, Em" I missed this... Thought Lola. Loving family, people to keep me company.

Before she knew it, she was in the car, her and Embry and Tiffany chattering away. Tiffany insisted being addressed by her name, this wasn't odd; Hearing Embry call his mother by her first name was both shocking and mind boggling.

As the trees passed them by, she knew she could and would easily fall in love with Forks. Possibly even La Push.

Embry for the most part, tried not to talk her ears off. He couldn't help but brag about his friends and the things they got up too. Best of all, he knew they would love her as much as he did. Leah would probably like her the most, since they were the same.


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