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It was Monday and as everyone know Monday is a shitty day.

I walked to my locker and got the books I needed for the next lesson.

"Heyy" Molly said. She was very happy.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?"
"Because Chase started talking to me" so this is why Molly broke up with Payton. I don't even know why she dated him. Molly never liked Payton. Chase was the one. I don't think Chase is good for her either.

We walked to our class and all Molly was talking about was how kind and supportive Chase was when she broke up with Payton. Not that she actually needed it because she wasn't even heartbroken when she did. The only guy who could break her heart is Chase. Which might happened if she doesn't find someone else.

We walked into our class and we sat down. The teacher wasn't here yet so we just kept on talking. Payton and Anthony sat behind us and I could feel them stare at us. I slowly turned around and I met Payton's eyes. He was smirking and I just remembered that I'm going on a date with him tonight. The teacher came and everyone was silent.


This day felt like years and I was tired. I walked to the parking lot where my car was parked. As I got close I saw someone leaning on my car. I couldn't really see who it was, but I knew it wasn't Payton. This guy had black messy hair.

Then I saw who the guy was.

"Ah what do you want?" I said irritated.

"Why are you so moody?" He said with a grin.

"I'm not moody, I just have a violent reaction to stupid people."

"Ok, fine. I just wanted to know if you wanna hang?"

"Jaden Hossler wanna hang out with Cynthia Felt?" I asked surprised.

"So you wanna hang or not?"



"I can't and I don't want to" I said with a smile and uNlocked my car. I opened the door got in and was about to close the door. Jaden got the door before I could close it.

"Why?" He asked annoyed. It actually kinda scared me cause it looked like he was about to explode.

"I'm going out with Payton" now he definitely was angry and I just wanted to leave.

"Why?" He asked.

"He asked me"

"But I know you don't wanna go"

"Bye Jaden" I said trying to get the door.

"Wait here's my number in case you change your mind"

I took the small paper where his number was written down.
I managed to close the door and i drove home.


I started I get ready 2 hours ago. I didn't do much, I was just wearing a simple dress and a little bit of makeup. I've been sitting here and waiting for about an hour. He was supposed to pick me up at 8 o'clock. Now it's almost ten. I ended up calling Payton, but he said he was stuck in traffic, which I don't believe.

Usually I wouldn't even care, but this literally sucked. I actually thought he would go on a date with me. I was so fucking blind.
I should've known that he would do something like this. He's not the guy who just asks a girl to go on a date.
It was now 1am and I just gave up.
I was very annoyed and angry so I went out and looked through my car for the small paper piece that Jaden gave me. I found it and I put in Jadens number on my phone.

I called him. I heard 2 rings before someone picked up.
"Hello?" The deep raspy voice said. "Hey uhm is this Jaden? Jaden Hossler?" I asked nervously. I didn't even know if this was what I wanted, but I just felt like it was right. "Yeah hey" he answered happy.

"Do you wanna come over? I mean if you want to" I nervously laughed. "Yeah sure, I'll be there in 10" and for some weird reason I actually smiled.

10 minutes later and he was knocking on my door. I had washed my face and I changed into something more comfortable.
I opened the door to see Jaden with a smile on his face. "Hey" we both sat in sync. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie. This guy could honestly wear anything and would still look good.

We walked in to my room trying to not get caught by Jackson. I don't even know if his home. My parents aren't home, they said they were going on a business trip or something for 2 weeks.

We got to my room and Jaden sat down on the bed. "I knew you would change your mind" he said and winked at me. I laughed and looked down. I sat down next to him on the bed and it was quite for a while. It was nice though.

"He ditched me" I bluntly say and he looks at me. He didn't really say anything he just sat there, but he suddenly grabs my hand. He looks up at me and smiles.

I just realized that this used to be my crush, I mean he still kinda is, but he's been gone for so long that I kinda forgot. And those feelings that I had for him before suddenly rushed back. The way he laughs just makes me smile, and the way he talks gives me butterflies, and just thinking about him makes me happy.


I don't even know what time it is and I didn't really care. We've been laying in my bed for God knows how long and just talking about everything. I've never had deep conversations like this and it felt good. Jaden and I are more alike than I thought. He isn't like Payton or any of the other boys my brother hangs out with. He's funny, caring and has the best humor. I felt like my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much, but it felt so good to be this happy again.

It was now quite and I was just staring at the ceiling smiling to myself. "Shit it's 5am I should probably go" he said getting up. "No! I mean you can stay if you want" I said and I mentally slapped myself. He would definitely say no and I don't feel like getting rejected twice. "Yeah if it's cool, I can definitely stay" he said and got back down.

" you can sleep here and I'll take the couch" I said as I got up. "No it's your bed and it's big enough for both of us" he said and I shyly smiled. I also blushed like an idiot. "I just have to change first and I'll be back." I said.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about Payton, but then I started to think about Jaden. The dude I've had a crush on since forever, is in my bed right now. I quickly changed and got out of my bathroom.

I laid down on my bed. Jaden didn't have his hoodie on anymore and I could see his toned body. God most have been in a very good mood when he made him. His literally the definition of perfect.

As I slowly fell asleep I could I feel his arm hold around my waist and I was dragged closer to him and we were now spooning. I felt safe and his body was warm.

Ohh noo i don't even know what this is anymore ahahah

Anyways this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written before so I hoped you enjoyed it:)

I want ship names for Cynthia and Jaden, and Payton and Cynthia:)

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