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I woke up and saw Payton staring at me, but as soon as he saw me looking at him, he pretends to be asleep. I smile to myself and takes a strand of hair away from his face. "Are you looking at me while I'm sleeping?"  I said, but he didn't answer. I sigh, still smiling, and turn around so my back faces him. Payton immediately snakes his arm around me pulls me closer to him. I got this kind of feeling that you can't really put into words. Two days ago I couldn't even imagine that this would happen. I turn back around and look at him in the eyes and smile. At this moment I couldn't be happier. "Cynthia Hope Felt" He says and continues  with "you have to be careful now". I look at him weirdly not knowing where he's going with this. "Because you're gonna be so damn in love with me". I laugh and looks away. "I'm not in love with you"

"Yes, you are."

I laughed and got up. "Where are you going?" he asks me and grabs me by the waist and pulls me back down. "I'm meeting up with with some friends" I say laughing trying to get up again. "Molly?" he asks. "Yeah" I gave up on trying and I was now just looking at him. "Can't she wait?" I gave him the "I'm serious" look and got up. "No I have to talk to her. I wanna know if she's ok." I put on my clothes and gave him his t-shirt back that I used for the night.

"Can we maybe hang out later?" He asked with a puppy face.

"Sure, and don't make that face again it's not that cute" I teased as I left his room.

I walked out and called Molly. I was the one driving the other day so i has my car. I got in and Molly answers on my the second call.

"Hey Molls, wanna hang today?"

"Sure, we can meet at the cafe around 2pm"

I agreed and started my car. I drove home and did nothing but to wait.


I was now ready to leave and meet Molly.

It only took me about 10 minutes to get there so it wasn't a really long ride.

I walked to the entrance of the cafe and Molly was standing there waiting for me.

"Hey!" We both said and hugged each other. I felt so bad for her the other day so I had to talk to her about it.

"You wanna talk about what happened yesterday? I came to pick you up but Julia said you left with... Anthony?"

She blushed and looked down. I was so confused and curious at the same time.

"Yeah, he was so sweet last night.." she said and was still red as a tomato.

"I was so hurt when I saw Chase kiss another girl... I flipped out and started crying. Anthony saw me and then asked if I needed a ride home, so I said yes and thanked him. We ended up at the beach just talking all night instead" she looked so happy. I was of course mad about what Chase did, but I guess I knew he would do something like that. I've warned Molly about him through out the years, but I guess she didn't realize until today, how big of a douche he is.

We ended up talking about everything at that cafe. I spent so much money because of how long we were there. It was like I bought a new coffee every hour.
It was cozy and we could finally just talk.

But I didn't tell her about Payton. I would! But it was just so weird. How would I tell her? How do I explain everything? I honestly don't even know if we're dating. Like, is it official? Or is he still playing games. I didn't really wanna think that, but I somehow still believe that it's still a part of his sick game. I just needed to give it time, and until then I guess it'll all be a secret. I won't tell anyone and not even Molly.


I just parked outside my house. I locked the car door and turn around to go into the house.

"Hey! Cynthia" I heard someone very familiar call from behind.

"Jaden, what are you doing here" i asked surprised.

"Can we talk?" I nod and we walked in together.

"Soo.." I awkwardly say.

"We haven't talked since the party..." he said.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not mad or pissed just because you went with Payton."

I felt bad for not talking to him. I should've at least told him why I didn't go with him, but I didn't and this would obviously be the perfect timing.

"I just needed to talk to him, you know? What he wants and why he's acting so weird. I just didn't think it was normal to act so much like a dick" he laughs and nods.

"I've always liked you Cynthia"


Sooo I'm sorry I've been really busy since school just started and I have a lot to do besides writing this story. So I'm sorry to tell you that I have other priorities... but it doesn't mean I will quit writing this story.

This chapter is short I know, but when I have time I'll make it longer:)

Also English isn't my first language so I have to apologize if I write something wrong. And I'm obviously too lazy to go back and fix it so I guess you'll just have to live with it.

And btw if you have a question or you just want to talk to me, you can always just send a dm! I'll answer everyone and I just love talking to you!:)

I also wanna thank everyone for reading my story!!!! It means so much to me! Love you all<3


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