one !

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The air smelled different. It smelled cleaner, and more pure than New York City. Staring up at the new house with a box in my hands, trying to wake myself from this dream, but I knew it was real.

"Zoey, you need to start unpacking," my mother said, walking past me to get into the new house.

"Ok," I mumbled, breaking my gaze onto the house.

We moved to Hawkins, Indiana from New York City, the place I was born and raised, and the place I really did not want to leave.

I wanted to try to make the most out of this summer, even if I wouldn't be spending it with my friends I have known most of my life.

I walked up to the room that would be mine, and the space was basically empty, besides my bed. The walls were a shade of light pink, and it was rather inviting.

I sat on my bed, thinking about everything that has happened. Twenty-four hours ago I was saying goodbye to my friends, and leaving the place to come here.

"Hey, Sweetie, are you okay?" my mom said, standing in the door way.

"Uh, yeah... Just a lot to adjust to," I nodded, looking down at the box in my hands.

"I know," my mom breathed, walking into my room and sitting next to me. "Try to make the most out of this summer. Go make some friends, go explore the town, just be back by 12."

I laughed at my mom, and gave her a hug. She hugged me back, and she got off of my bed and walked out of my room.

When she left, I shut my door, and put on a vinyl. The sound of Prince was in the air, and I started to unpack all the boxes in my room.


About two hours later, I was finished unpacking. I had put all my clothes into my closet, and I had put posters and pictures on my wall to remind me of New York. I also put all my books in my book shelf, and all my vinyls in their own shelf as well. Everything looked like how I would imagine any teenage girl's room to look like.

I changed into a new outfit, which was a pair of light blue jeans with a black tank top. I also added a belt to just add a bit of personality. I then pulled my brown, curly hair into a high pony tail. I put on my red chucks, and grabbed my car keys.

I ran down the steps to greet my parents, who were in the kitchen.

"Hey, can I go for a drive," I asked, "to explore the city a bit."

"Be home before dinner," my dad said, glancing my way then back to the newspaper.

"Ok, see you guys later," I mumbled, and then left our new house.

My favorite thing to do was exploring. Seeing new places is something that excites me beyond worlds, and Hawkins allowed me a new place to explore.

Before I could walk all the way to my car, I saw a girl about my age walking towards me.

"Hey," she waved, making her way over to me. "You must be new here. I'm Nancy Wheeler."

"Zoey," I said with a small smile. "Do you live next door?"

"Yes, and I couldn't help but notice our new neighbors coming in," Nancy smiled. "We normally never get new people in this town."

"Yeah, seems rather small," I responded.

"So where did you move from?" Nancy asked nicely.

"New York City," I answered.

"That's one of my dreams," she gasped. "New York City just seems so big and pretty- I would love to go there!"

"Its a beautiful city, but it's not as pretty as you might think," I laughed.

"Well, it was nice talking to you," Nancy said, giving me a piece of paper. "If you ever need anything, give me a call!"

"Thank you, Nancy," I said with a smile. "I will talk to you later, then."

"Bye, Zoey," and then Nancy turned around and went back to her house.

I opened my car, which was a 1969 baby blue Mustang. I then took out the piece of paper from my pocket, and a phone number was listed.

I did not know what to take from that conversation. Nancy seemed like the girl I would stay away from in school, no offence to her. She seemed nice, but she is totally different from friends in New York.

I know what my mom would say. She would say something like, "Give the poor girl a try. Make some friends!" And I love her, but she doesn't realise how fake and plastic most of the girls are at my age. I would much rather be a loner than be friends with fake people.

I started my car, and I drove out of the neighborhood. My dad had me put a map of the city in my glove compartment just in case I got lost, but I more than likely won't be using it.

I wasn't so sure what I was looking for, but I was just seeing if there was anything around here that seemed remotely fun.

After what seemed to be forever, I found a lake. The sun was setting, and the the sun set looked so gorgeous over the lake. I decided to park my car, and watch the sunset from the inside of my car.

The bright colors of the sun reflected off of the lake, and it created such a beautiful picture.

I had forgotten that my camera was in the back seat, so I grabbed the camera, and took a photo of the sun set in front of me.

I started to shake the polaroid, and searched for a pen in my purse. Finding one, I wrote the date on the bottom right-hand corner of the polaroid.

June 7th, 1985


I hope yall loved the first chapter!! If you did, pls vote for it and comment, would appreicate it so much.

The next update should be in about 3 days, since this is a rather short chapter. I will be trying to update this book omce every week.

Thats about it. Thank you again for reading it, and I love every single person reading this!!

1985 | billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now