three !

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Surprisingly, my parents weren't as pissed as I was expecting. They yelled at me, but it wasn't my fault my car wouldn't start.

After dinner, which was filled with my parents talking about grown up stuff, I zoned out. It was probably due to me being slightly fried.

After dinner, I went to my room, and put on another vinyl. It was a Pink Floyd vinyl, one that I put on when I get high.

I had a little balcony connecting to my room, so I went out there and started to smoke. My back was against the wall, and I could hear the soft sound of the music from the inside.

Strangely, I kept thinking about Billy. I knew I should probably stay away from, since he is the type of guy my parents want me to stay away from, but that makes me more drawn to him.

What sucks is that I gave him my number, so I can't be the one to call him first. All I want to do is get away from this place. I was bored, high, and in need of going on an adventure.

I thought of sneaking out and going back to that gas station. Maybe he would still be there, and maybe he would want to ditch the place and come with me.

I also thought about calling Nancy, and asking if she wanted to go out with me. But she did not seem to be the type of person that would want to sneak out.

I decided on the first option, and looked at the time, which was 9:37pm. My parents usually go to bed at 9pm, so I should be set to go.

I peaked out of my bedroom door, nd saw that all the lights in the hall were turned off. I peaked into my parent's bedroom, and they were both asleep in bed.

I took that as my cue to leave, and I walked slowly down the hallway to not make any noises and so I wouldn't knock anything down.

I successfully made it outside, and I knew I probably will regret this, but I don't care. My car would more than likely wake my parents up, but they can't expect me to stay in that house forever.

I was blasting whatever was playing on the radio. It was a rock song, and it got my adrenaline pumping.

I pulled up to the gas station in a couple minutes, and saw that the light was still on in the building.

I parked my car, and saw someone covering uo their face with another magazine.

"Hey Billy," I said.

"Holy shït, Zoey-," Billy said, jumping when he heard my voice. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I was bored, and it's too nice of a night to waste," I smiled. "We should do something."

"If you couldn't tell, I'm working," Billy said, motioning to the gas station.

"No you're not," I answered. "You're sitting in a gas station with no one in it, while reading a magazine. That's not working the last time I checked."

"Look," he started. "I get off at 10, so we can do something after."

I looked at the time, and it was 9:53pm.

"You have a couple minutes, just leave now," I said, and then pouted at the man at the desk.

"You're lucky I like you," Billy laughed, getting up.

"Whoa there, buddy. We just met today," I said sarcastically. "I can help you clean up or whatever."

"That would be amazing," Billy said, getting up from his seat.

I helped him clean up and then lock the place up. We were now walking to our cars, talking about whever came on our minds.

"You have a really nice car," I said, admiring the vehicle.

"I saved up a shït ton of money for it, so thank you," Billy replied. "You have a very cool car yourself."

"I'm a sucker for old cars, what can I say?" I laughed. "So what do we do now?"

"You're the one that invited me to go somewhere," Billy shrugged. "But I know that they are playing a movie at the drive-in tonight."

"Good thing you said something, because I had no idea there was a drive in," I said, opening my car door, and sitting in it. "Get in."

"Hell no, I'm driving," Billy replied, opening his door, and sitting in the car.

He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but listen to him. So I got out of my car, and climbed into his.

"Since you didn't get what you wanted, you can have music control," Billy said, starting the car. "Cassettes are in the glove box."

I opened up the glove box, and a majority of the tapes were rock or metal bands. I usually listened to older bands, but it seemed Billy liked to as well.

I decided to close my eyes, and pick at random. I picked one, and opened my eyes to see a Led Zeppelin cassette.

I put in it, and the sound of Robert Plant's voice filled the car.

Billy laughed at my choice of cassettes, and said, "I should have known you would have picked Zeppelin."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," I asked, laughing lightly.

"It's a compliment, I promise," Billy said, and he drove out of the gas station.

He sped down the streets, and when I say Billy looked so attractive while driving, I meam exactly that. The way he was gripping the steering wheel and paying close attention to the road could send anyone over the edge.

"What are you staring at?" Billy said, winking at me.

"You forgot to put your seat belt on," I replied, leaning across his lap and grabbing his seatbelt, and securing it in place.

"You are making it very hard to pay attention to the road," Billy said, licking his lips, glancing at me briefly, and then looking back at the road.

I looked down at my outfit, and I was in fact wearing a tank top. I thought that being a tease being be hilarious, and I know it would piss Billy off. So I did exactly that. I pulled my tank top lower than it was supposed to, and I crossed my arms, making my boobs look bigger than they actually were.

"Jesus-," Billy said, looking at me, and then back at the road. "Ypu are very good at that."

"Good at what?" I asked with a laugh.

"Being a tease," Billy said, removing his hand from the gearshift, and rubbing my thigh innocently.

Billy started to bring his hand closer and closer to my lower region, and I started to thank God that I wore jeans. If my legs were showing and he touching my skin, I would be pouncing on the man.

His touch felt amazing, and he was so soft and gentle. But at the same time, even though it seemed innocent, his intentions were not so innocent.

All of the sudden, Billy removed his hand, and put in back of the gearshift.

"Who is the tease now?" I scoffed, pouting due to the lack of touch.

"Two can play at that game, babe," Billy said, looking at me and giving me another wink.

Sorry I havent updated in a hot minute. I just started school, so dont expect too many updates. Sorry!!

If u liked this chapter, pls vote for it!!!

love yall<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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