Ayato Sakamaki x Reader

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"You can't run from me, you know."

Those were the last words you heard as a person with freedom.

As you sprinted through the deep woods, you couldn't help but wonder if you would escape this nightmare.

The answer?


Your rapid breathing made little clouds in the cold autumn air. The crunches of the fallen twigs and leaves beneath your feet rang throughout the night.

You didn't care how much noise you made at this point.

The only thing on your mind was to get away from then monster chasing you.

You slowly began to run out of breath, and your steps slowed to a stop. You bent over, panting.

There was no way he could've followed you all the way out here...


"So you finally gave up, huh?"

You whirl around to see the pair of emerald eyes staring into your soul.

"You know, you really gave me a workout there, human," he said, smiling wickedly.

You knew that this was the end. You would never return to the warm and bright home you knew and loved. You would never be seen laughing alongside your friends again.

All that remained now was the dark world of the vampire standing in front of you.

He backed you up against a tree. Your breath, gaining pace, once again formed small clouds in the air.

He could tell you were scared.

And he loved it.

His pink hair rustled in the breeze. His skin was so pale you could almost see your reflection in it.

"Let me ask you something, human," Ayato said. "If a vampire like me gave you the choice to either let him drink your blood or maybe get a little..." He started to wrap his hand around your waist and pull you closer. "...sexy...with you...which would you choose?"

You were frozen. You couldn't think straight anymore. What kind of question was this?

"Oh, come on, human," he chuckled lightly, but evilly. His tone hardened. "What would you choose?"

You wanted to choose "or" to outwit him, but you didn't even have the strength to speak.

He slammed you against the tree.

"Talk, human, or I will choose the one that I want!"

He really didn't care that he just knocked all the breath out of you.

He really didn't care what you thought.

He just wanted to see you suffer.

"I'm done giving my prey chances," he sighed, exasperated.

With that, Ayato began to draw your hair to the side.

At this point, your arms and hands were just barely able to function again, so you swung at his face, not thinking of the consequences.

Your hand broke on colliding with his granite-hard skin.

Ayato looked at you for a moment with an expression that read "Are you seriously that dumb?"

He then took you by the wrist of your broken hand. You let out a yell of pain.

He mockingly examined it, then pinned it against the tree. You couldn't help but scream.

"You foolish mortal." He roared with laughter. "Did you really think a little punch could hurt me?"

He leaned closer. "Now, what should your punishment be?"

You shut your eyes tight, hoping, praying that this wasn't real. But the pain in your hand and the rough tree bark against your back screamed that it was.

You opened your eyes to see his light up.

"I know!" he exclaimed. He leaned in so close that your face was only about 2 inches away from his. "Remember in that little scenario I asked you to choose between those two options?"

You knew what was coming next.

Then he leaned to your ear.

"I'm going to do both."

As soon as he finished that one sentence, you felt his fangs sink into your neck.

The tears were finally coming. Not just from the pain, but from finally realizing that this would be your life if he didn't kill you right now.

Ayato came away. "I can feel your heartbeat quickening," he said in a low, menacing voice. "You really like this don't you?"

Before you could start to scream "no", he plunged his fangs into your shoulder.

He then kissed his way down to your collarbone, and bit there, too.

The pain was unbearable. Listening to your own screaming basically provided distraction from the pain, but just barely.

"Your blood...It's so warm. I love the way it fills me up inside..." He roughly kissed your throat. "I must have more..." He kissed a little lower. He nipped your skin, but not enough to break through it.

"I must have more right now."

As he said this, he unbuttoned your shirt to reveal the rest of your collarbone, and some cleavage as well.

"I will make you feel all the pain in the world," he told you as he leaned closer to your collarbone. He bit so hard that you screamed at the top of your lungs.

He tightened his arm around your waist and moved closer to the cleavage. He left no patch of skin unmarked. He gave you hickeys and nipped here and there. He pulled you closer until he entangled you with his body like a boa constrictor.

No matter how much you screamed for him to stop, he wouldn't.

You were getting dizzy from the loss of blood.

He came away for a split second. "No one can hear you scream, so do yourself a favor and save your breath. After all..." 

He came up and whispered in your ear.

"You're gonna need it for the best part."

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