Subaru Sakamaki x Reader (Part 1)

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It was a dark and stormy night-

No, that's not it.

One dark and fateful night-

No, that's not it either.

The girl saw the monster's eyes gleam with-

Fuck it. I'll just tell the truth here:

I got captured by a white-haired tsundere vampire.

It was Friday the 13th. And I didn't believe in superstitions until that night.

When I went to bed, I had stupidly left the window open to my room for some fresh air. My friends were always like, "Oh, don't leave the window open or a vampire will come into your room and suck your blood!" I knew they were joking; besides, I didn't believe in magical, mythical shit.

But how could I have known that they actually existed?

I remember I was on my side when I heard something move. I had sat up, looked around. I didn't see him coming; he was much too fast. He pinned me down to my bed, bit me, and drank my essence until I passed out. Then he somehow brought me to the mansion where he lived with his brothers.

But the way he smiled at me...the way his fangs flashed against the moonlight that peered through my window as his lustful ruby eyes stared into my soul, almost longingly...

I still can't get it out of my head.


I snap out of trying to recall what happened. I find myself in a bed in a slate gray-colored bedroom.

A pink-haired, emerald-eyed boy sits in front of me. He looks about 17. He smirks at me.

And that's when I notice the fangs.

Of course.

I should've known that the vampire would bring me to his mansion to live with his brothers who were ALSO vampires.

He repeats himself, a little more harshly. "Hey!"

He seems to be waiting for something, like a yelp or a scream or something.

I fake a quiet scream with great sarcasm and jazz hands. "Aaaaaaaaah!"

He frowns at me. "Wow. You're a real disappointment, you know." He stands and turns his back to me. "Subaru said you were way more fun than this."

"Fun?" I question him, my nervousness marred by skepticism.

Subaru. Is that the name of the vampire who attacked me?

"Hmph." He turns back to face me. "Maybe he meant you're only fun when you're scared."

In the blink of an eye, his face is inches away from mine. I realize that he is sitting on my legs and holding me by the wrists.

"Wanna know what else he said about you?" he whispers in my ear.

I feel his tongue glide across my throat, and then to my jawline.

"He tasted amazing..."

As he leaned down to bite, I heard another voice.


The pink-haired vampire whirls around to face someone standing in the doorway. "Goddamn you, Reiji! Why do you have to ruin all my fun?!"

"That's what you have Yui for," the vampire standing in the doorway says casually, pushing his glasses up further on the bridge of his nose.

I shudder.

But wait.

Does that mean there's another human here, too? In my position?

I remain silent as the brothers argue.

"You're such a buzzkill!" Ayato storms out of the room.

Reiji sighs and adjusts his glasses again. "I am not...a buzzkill." He pauses. "Although, I am quite capable of killing..." He turns his head slowly towards me.

I shrink back under the bed's comforters.

"Don't think that you'll be getting the honor of being murdered by me," he says rigidly.

"Honor? Why would I-"

"Your manners really are deplorable, human," he sighs, turning away. "Talking back is against the rules in this household."

He smirks. "I ought to punish you myself..."

"It won't happen again! I promise!" I blurt out.

"Hmph." He turns back to me. "It better not." He steps closer. "Or you will be facing...a rather painful consequence."

A whimper escapes my lips. His smile grows wider. He steps away and gestures to the vanity on the other side of the room. "Get dressed and come downstairs. There, we will all introduce ourselves properly. I will step out to give you privacy."

He stops at the door and looks at me from the side.

"I'm sure it will be quite a pleasurable experience to have you here."

He walks out and shuts the door.

I shiver and get out of the bed. I hold up the clothes against my body. Perfect size. How did they know?

I sigh.

I want to scream. Out of my need for help. Out of despair. Out of fury. Out of sorrow.

But I can't.

Because they will kill me if I do.

I need to find my way out of here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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