Vampire Akira Kurusu x Reader (Part 3)

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I lay sprawled on the ground. I clutch my chest where he shoved me. It hurts.

"It's still me, (Y/N)," the shadow says, chuckling. He squats down to my level.

The golden eyes shine so bright that it nearly forces me to shut my eyes.

"You are anything but Akira!" I yell at him. "You're the desires he shoves deep down inside himself! The desires he hides! He wants to keep me safe, and he will stop you!"

Akira's shadow stares at me for a moment. He then starts to chuckle again. The quiet laughter quickly grows to loud, maniacal joy.

"Ah, you humans can be really dumb, you know that?" he manages to say between his fits of happiness.

He pins me down to the cold, hard floor by my wrists. He continues to laugh.

"You actually think-" His mouth widens into a wicked grin that sickens me. "You actually think I want to keep you safe?!"

His wicked cackle begins again. I want to be sick. With each laugh, I feel like the darkness of the room closes in more, squeezing me until I am crushed into a trembling, broken body.

His laughter dies slowly. "I want to hurt you, (Y/N). I don't think I could ever express how badly."

His smile reveals his teeth, his fangs. The two sharp objects that have never ceased to scare me every time I read fairy tales involving vampires or snakes.


Then what is he?

"That look of confusion and fear on your face pleases me greatly, (Y/N)," he says, smiling wider. He knows I am afraid. And he loves it.

He licks his lower lip. "I can already taste your sweet essence."

"What...are you...?"

He leans down and licks my neck. His tongue glides from my throat to my collarbone, and then to my shoulder. I feel his fangs brush against my throat, leaving scratch marks. I shudder and whimper. He smirks into my skin.

"Hush, sweet (Y/N)," he whispers, licking behind my ear. "And you will find out."

His tongue slides slowly down to my shoulder, making sure I feel the wetness of his drool, his lust.

I feel the fangs again. And they sink slowly, painfully, into my skin.

I start screaming as he begins to drink. I feel his hand slither under my body, keeping my back arched. I try to struggle, but his grasp is as firm as iron. I can barely move.

The fangs slowly leave my shoulder. He rises just enough so I can see his face. My own blood drips from his lip. He smiles, revealing the blood on his fangs, as well. He licks his lips again, tasting the red liquid that is my lifeline. I feel as though the air is thickening, as if my lungs are tightly bound in chains.

He sighs with an air of relief and satisfaction, yet the lust is still present. "I knew that you smelled sweet, but..." He licks blood off of my wounded shoulder. "I didn't think you could have tasted better than the scent you gave off." He leans in, fangs bared, to my collarbone and bites. He purposefully sinks his teeth into my flesh so it is bruised and bloody. He is enjoying every minute of this, every second of my torture. I yell for help. I cry out with a passion that matches the extremity of my pain. His hand clamps over my mouth as he comes away again.

"Save your breath, (Y/N)," he hisses as he forces me onto the bed with chains. Leaning down, he whispers into my ear again. "You won't need it after I'm done with you."

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