Chapter 11

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Marcy left the bathroom in her clothes and packed away her PJs in her duffle bag. She went to the pallet set up by where her bed used to be (and was set up against that wall) and woke up Mal by kissing him. "Hey?"

He awoke with a frown. "What's going on?"

"It's time to get up."

He groaned.

"I know. But get up and shower then take your medicine." She rubbed his belly.

He put his hand over her hand. "Kiss me."

"I already kissed you."

"Kiss me again."

She kissed him. "Now get up!"

He sat up. "You could go in with me and wash my back."

"Not only is it no time for hanky panky, it's not time yet and you know damn well there's no room for us in that shower together and I already took my shower and I have to do a tonne of other things before these trucks come. No."

"Hurtful." He got up.

She watched him take his duffle bag to her bathroom before she went to her bags and took out her asthma breathing treatment machine. She used it then another (plastic) device to measure her lung power.

When finished, she put both away then went to check if Laura was awake. The blonde was nearly done getting ready so she took her hair down as she went to the kitchen.

There was just enough juice left for breakfast but they had no food left, which suited Marcy fine because she didn't want to take any real perishable food with them.

She called a local bakery and placed an order before getting her keys and pulling on her layers. Laura came down the stairs as she was zipping up her boots.

"Why do you have your shoes on?" Laura yawned.

"We have to go get breakfast." Marcy put her scarf on and handed Laura her own boots.

Laura put on her pink and white boots as Marcy put on her green hat. Marcy gave the blonde her pink hat and scarf before pulling on her own green gloves.

Laura layered on as Marcy put on and buttoned her green peacoat. Laura left off her hot pink gloves but put on and buttoned her raspberry peacoat. Marcy handed her Travis' keys and her purse.

"Thank you." Laura nodded.

Marcy grabbed her own purse and put the cloth bag's strap over her neck. "Mal's getting ready."

"So is Marc." Laura opened the door.

"We should have woken the others but we can do that on the way there." Marcy closed it behind them and locked it.

They went to the garage and Laura opened the door before unlocking the Lincoln towncar's doors. Both climbed in and Laura started the car.

"You worry about getting us to Bagels, Bagels, Bagels! and I take care of the heat. Where's your phone?"

Laura handed over her phone. "What are you doing?"

"I don't have a phone. I have to call Mercy from yours."

Laura's eyes widened. "You don't have a cell phone."

"Nope." Marcy fiddled with her heat then turned on the radio.

"We can get you one. When do you want to go?"

"We can go the second."

"You want to wait so long?" She backed out of the space and drove down the street.

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