Mr. Big Bad Wolf

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You blew me down, blew me away.

You huffed and puffed and sent me your worst. Ugly, sinful, terrorizing, but yet so beautiful.

When you inhaled a breath of hurt, I inhaled a breath of anticipation. When you exhaled your fury, I exhaled my sighs of pleasure. And when you knocked down all my walls, I let you. The rush of the wind met the speed of my heart.

You continued to crack and demolish the protection I made myself, but I worked against you. You gave me a challenge and I accepted it. I wouldn't give up.

But then you did. And soon I was facing a predicament. I need you, without you I'll give up too. You pushed me, you taught me, encouraged me to be better. You brought me to my fullest. Without you there I'm just an innocent stuck behind thick, unbreakable walls. But I'm not unbreakable, just stronger than others thought I could be, than you thought I could be. Maybe I tried too hard, scared you away, gave you the wrong sign. Or maybe you didnt see me as worth the effort and struggle. I just want to see the effort someone is willing for me.

But there's other innocents weaker than I and that's what the Big Bad Wolf wants.

-Mr. Big Bad Wolf (h,c 3.17.16)

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