Chaotic Instincts (Part 2)

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No one would suspect it was him; that it was shy Billie who was always friendly in nature. No one meant for him to become this way, even if they didn't know which way that is just yet. It was just a couple of harmless pranks that went sour, though no one knew that. No one expected him to start carving innocent people up in the middle of the night as sacrifices because of some shadow figure he catches glimpses of at every corner for the past eight months.

Billie had picked up somewhere if you offer the eyes of the sightless to ancient deities, they'll restore your blindness to what you can't handle to see. He started by disguising himself in different hospitals. It didn't take too much thought to figure out that the elderly were the easiest targets since they were less likely to fight back. In the beginning, he couldn't stand the texture of blood, it was too slimy, but after the first few tries it became tolerable.

The figure that stalked Billie was like a goatman that lurked in the shadows taunting him. Black liquid dripped from it's long jagged claws up the forearms. Scales crept around the waist where the coarse hair of the creatures legs met the human chest. The nostrils were flared and the eyes solid black orbs, a dark cloud lingering around it at all times. The demonic figure loomed over Billie wherever he walked. There were times it seemed to creep so close he almost believed the horns of the shadow grew from his own.

He had become hyperaware of his surroundings, becomig increasingly paranoid of the people around him, his eyes darting around in fear the demon was finally coming to strike. His few only fed it though, it becoming more visible and visiting more often, causing Billie to kill more in hopes of gaining the earned protection from the Gods.

Billie stood between two cars and listened as the slow tapping of the white cane got closer. He watched through the windows of the white van he was next to as the old blind man walked down the center of the ramp. The peaceful pace of the man's step seemed to only amplify Billie's anger. The knife handle flipped over in his palm, turning and turning. When the old man was past him, Billie stepped out, slashing behind the man's knees until he fell to the ground wailing in agony.

Once the man quit squirming, Billie knelt over his head. He slowly applied pressure with the blade, cutting along the crease of the eyelids. Feeling the thin sliced flesh under his nails as he dug his fingers into the dead man's eye sockets to peel back the eyelids. Two large white milky eyes stared back up at him.

"I have them," Billie whimpered as a shadow casted over him. "I have them, please help me." He grasped the eyeballs in his shaky hands. "What do I need to do, tell me, please just don't let them get me." His left hand reached over for his pocket knife while his eyes remained focused on his right. Then it all went dark.

He had been careful up until this night. Each time before he had covered his prints and left no trace of himself. Billie wouldn't take the risk of someone stunting his progress. He had counted his steps long before the past six months, every aspect of his life was immaculate. Tonight was different, he didn't realize he had an audience member.

Amanda had pressed herself hard against the wall out of sight of the murderer just yards away. Her hand wrapped around her mouth to keep the bile from rising up her throat. Law enforcements had been notified and, on their way, as she curled up in a tight ball, tears forming in her eyes. When the police had shown up and she heard the gun shot off, she was pulled aside for her statement and all she could think about were his eyes.

"I saw his eyes, they-uh-they were crazy. He didn't look human." Amanda looked over her shoulder at the body bag in the middle of the crime scene, her body trembling. She pulled her sweater over her hands, hugging herself, "Like he was an animal."

It's good...but not my best work. This is the final prject we had to turn in and we had a word limit so I had to cut parts out which I'm mad as hell about but its whatever my teacher still gave me a 97 and told me it was the best in the class. Flexing but its no big deal.

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