Chapter 1

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"Zarian you slut!", a woman sneered in anger, catching the attention of the bystanders

'Ah here we go again' Zarian sighed

It was always like this, people blamed her for 'stealing their boyfriends'. Woman envied her while men lust for her. It's like a never ending circle

"How dare you! You knew that we were in a relationship, yet you still decide to lurk in and steal my man!" At this point, when you look closely, you can see steam coming from the angry woman's nose

"Huh? Steal him? Don't blame me when your man's eyes were giving me lustful looks" Zarian spat back

Whenever they accuse her, she always knew how to counter back. She got used to it since she was always accused of 'stealing' whats theirs

In the neighbourhood, she had a reputation. 'Seductive Fox'. She wasn't mad about it, in fact she liked it.

But because of this reputation, women were wary of her.

'Hmmp, as if i would go for a guy who thinks with their dick!'

"Zarian, you! No wonder you father left your mom. He couldn't handle a lying, adulterous bitch!" The woman spat while smirking, everyone knew it was a taboo to talk about Zarian's father. But the woman didn't care anymore.

In an instant, the smirking woman was on the ground, groaning in pain.

Zarian's obsidian eyes glared daggers at the woman below her, her eyes narrowed

"Talk about my mother like that again, a kick isn't the only thing you're getting" Zarian spoke with clenched teeth

The latter look around the crowd who was whispering among themselves. With a quick glare, they dispersed, scared that they will be the next target

Zarian looked at the woman's said 'boyfriend' who was still sending her lustful looks.

She sneered in disgust

"Disgusting" with that, she walked away


Zarian was still pissed, it wasn't a new occurrence, but it still made her mad

She made her way to the park that she always hung out in and sat on one of the swings

'Just because i look like this, doesn't mean im a whore'

From sharp glaring eyes, long eyelashes, perfect eyebrows that frames her face to pink, plump lips and button nose. She had it all when it comes to looks and physique. The only thing she lacked was people's respect

Her eyes blurred, tears started gathering in her eyes. But she never let them fall, you'd think that she was used to it by now. But she never got accustomed to their scornful glares and nasty words

Who would?

As she was swinging, she heard whimpering noise by the slide

She was slightly surprised since the park was an abandoned one, it wasn't pretty by all means. So far only she knew about this spot

She decided to check out where the noise came from and was instantly stunned


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