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I decided I should try something new. I've tried vlogging but I just can't get the knack of it so blogging, it is.


I'm sure that's what bloggings about - proving your existence to others but not actually giving them enough information on us and our lives until we start doing exactly that and telling the "internetters" too much about your life and becoming emotionally attached to your "followers".


I keep telling myself that over and over again because the world shuts me out just like so many others. I resorted to writing cheesy "crap" on the internet. I do want to become an author, yes, but I also love the idea of becoming a graphics artist. Both of these would go together because it would mean I'd illustrate my own books, I guess, but, you know, extra studies and all that.


Again, you would have no interest in me if you met me in real life. I pretty much get ignored along the corridors because I'm not part of, what people call it, "The Popular Girls" or "The Perfect Girls" where I am.


Because they look physically appealing, fit in to where we live, have the right voice, make the most of their lives and are generally always happy - unless a dramatic or traumatic event happens and then they cry, such as losing their foundation, for an example.

However, I'm the opposite. I don't fit in. I am definitley NOT physically appealing and I certainly don't have the right voice - ie; I sound like a dude.

I always feel like I don't exist in this other dimension knows as "school" because it is like an alternate dimension. 

The book I am reading, as of late, is called "The Manifesto on How To Be Interesting" and is a seriously good book - I advise reading this because if you're reading this and you relate to my life then you'll definitley relate to that book, even in the slightest. The reason I have been saying to myself "I'M DIFFERENT. I EXIST." is because, in the book, Bree (the main character), writes a blog, She tells herself that she exists at the start of said blog and just writes it in caps lock repetitivley. This got me thinking - what if I do EXACTLY the same sort of thing she does, in said book, in the way of blogging and see where it gets me. I'm not exactly interesting but at least people can relate to me and see things the way I do, maybe give me a few hints and tips on how to change all of that - and here we are.

So I hope this blog is interesting in even the slightest amount and you can relate to it because, in the end, it's just like reading a story.

Isn't it?

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