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The hug between them lasted until they both felt shy. Titan slightly pulled away and gave Good a kiss on his forehead. He stood up and sat down with a big smile on his face. The boys were still laughing and clapping making Titan shy. He gave the boys a stern look, that is to say he tried and failed miserably. "Finish your desserts." Soleil playfully stuck his tongue out and started to dig in. After they all had had finished, Titan asked for the bill and they left the restaurant. They were waiting for their cars when Sol frowned and turned to Din. "You have to buy our new grandmother also a nice ring. She is going to be part of our family and she deserves only the best." all the adults looked shocked, while Soleil was nodding. Titan was stunned. "Where do you guys get all this from?!" They gave their father a confused look. Sol shrugged. "That is what they usually doe in the dramas, we watch at grandma's." Titan shook his head, while rolling his eyes. "I need to talk to your grandmother." After the initial shock, Din and Aom started to laugh. "It's alright. I'll make sure to get her a beautiful ring. I'll be sure to notify you guys before buying it." The boys looked very pleased by those words. For the second time this evening, Titan felt like his 4 year old boys were too grown-up for their age. They were the youngest among the Ayutthaya clan, the other children were already in their teens and his younger sister and Train had no plans on having children anytime soon. The boys now had picked up triads and information that were beyond their age. He needed to talk to his mother and cousins to fix this problem. The car ride home was full of laughter and talks, mostly the boys and Good but Titan was content with just listening to them. The three people he loved. "...Why are you laughing?" Titan hadn't noticed that the boys had fallen asleep and that Good was looking at him. He grabbed Good's hand and gave it a kiss. "Just happy being with you and the gremlins." Good laughed. "...Why do you give them those horrible nicknames?" Titan laughed too. "You have to admit they acted like gremlins tonight. And I really love the movies!" Good shook his head. "...Meany." Neither said anything after that, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. They were both content with holding hands, after 15 minutes they arrived home. They put the boys to bed.

In front of Good's door, Titan asked the same question he wanted to asked weeks before. "Do you want to sleep in my bed?" Good looked at his feet and gave a nod. He had been secretly waiting and hoping for this question. Titan took Good by the hand and took him next door. He pushed Good on the bed and started to undress him. Good looked shocked but he didn't resist. Titan jankend Good's pants down and looked at him. He slowly leaned over and started to kiss him. It wasn't a sweet or soft kiss, he put all the frustration and worries of the last few weeks into the kiss. When he pulled back, he saw that Good's eyes were wide open and lips were slightly open and bruised. "Sorry. I.... I didn't mean to hurt you." Good opened his eyes, he shook his head but said nothing. Instead with shaking hands, he started to unbutton Titan shirt. Titan smiled and kissed Good again. This time he did it softly, he pushed his tongue into Good's mouth. He didn't know if it was his imagination but he could swear he tasted the chocolate and caramel cheesecake Good had for dessert. He was losing his self-control, he wanted to devour Good, to make him scream. He softly bit Good's lower lip, making Good moan. Good had abandoned Titan's shirt, instead he was pulling Titan closer to him. He gave a desperate moan when Titan pulled away. "I need to breath. Your taking breath away." Good turn away looking shy. "...I ...I." Titan made Good look at him. "I hope you can tell me everything. I'll never get angry or criticise you. So tell me what you want." Good still hesitated, it wasn't because he didn't trust Titan. It was because he was scared of how much he wanted to have Titan. The feeling of lust and want was very new for him and it scared the living daylights out of him. He closed his eyes, scared of Titans expression. "...I think I want to do it with you and I'm scared. I've never done it with anybody before..." Titan kissed him softly on his forehead. "I want you too, but let's take it slow. I've never done it with a man before. I've only slept with someone once and I was so drunk that I don't remember what happened." He wanted to make love to Good so bad, but he was scared to hurt him. He wanted Good to enjoy their first time together and doing it while Good was scared wouldn't do any good.

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