Chapter 14

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••Mikayla's POV••
I hid behind a tree trunk since I saw a looked a lot like my dads "no no no no! Not again...fuckin hell hehe fuck no not again" I said to myself in a whisper almost talking I was holding back tears as memories flooded back to me. I took a shaky breath and took a minute to calm down. "That was then this is now calm down you'll be fine"
I saw a camera and thought 'well shit I went by that for sure oops'. My demeanour changed from being scared to a sarcastic slightly sadistic one. I saw a person go by a window and come out through a door. She had brown hair and eyes wore a white under shirt with a pink sweater that had the zipper half done up and a pair of light blue skinny jeans with what looked like blood stains on them. "Come out come out where ever you are". She looked behind a couple trees and bushes always saying "peekaboo". I figured the next tree she would check was the one I was behind (btw the girl is gonna be half angel because this dad is a fuckin asshole and cheated I'm hating him more and more lol) so I climbed up the tree a branch or two just to get the drop on here. "Are you over here?" She was having way to much fun. 'Time to put and end to this'. "Up here bitch" she looked up and I jumped down kicking her in the process. "Argh what the heck my face!" "That's what you're concerned about?" "Uhh yeah duh I know who you are you can't beat me well actually you can but whatever" "what the fuck does that even mean?" "A lot of thing like how I'm your older sister only by a month though" I had enough of her talking and wanted to get this over with. "Alright whatever you my sister who clearly wants to kill me yay now...can we get to the good part?" "Gladly". She apparently had a knife and slashed at me I wasn't expecting it and it scraped my cheek barely since I moved. "Awww come on that was supposed to hurt you more" "oh no I feel so bad sister" She went to stab me but I did a front flip over her barely missing the blade and landed behind her. Before she turned around I kicked her back sending her flying. "Oh by the way I'm Lucy and I know your Mikayla but let's finish now my back hurts". 'Yeah we're gonna finish this alright'. I ran forward dodging her many attempts at slicing n and dicing me while I tried to get some hits in as well till she tried to stab me in the side and I couldn't dodge and didn't notice in time to counter it stabbed my side I felt my blood already and realized I needed to finish this now. I pulled the blade out of my side since she left it there and winced in pain. I threw the knife with deadly accuracy, not to kill her but enough to wound her so she wouldn't be able to fight. Knew I needed to patch up my wound but I heard Lucy say something as ripped part of the bottom of my shirt to tie tightly around my side to help stop the bleeding. "Heh you friends in there though so is dad he said he wasn't your friend but still your a good person you might wanna hurry though dad was getting pissed". I couldn't tell if she was bluffing or not but hurried anyway. I ran through the open door to a room with my father and "KIAN what the fuck?!" I yelled I think he was sleeping which weird but ok "uhh why are you here?!" "Fuck you jackass" "I didn't even do anythi-" my father shot a beam at him and he fell limp. "Daughter so glad you could make it I assume you had some trouble getting in" he said gesturing to my wound. "What are you doing here and why did you take Kian?" "Doesn't matter now gonna give your old man a hug after all these years?" "Yea ok" I scoffed but I realized he shot a beam out of his hand and knew something was up I had to get out of there but as much I disliked the guy couldn't just leave Kian there. "What do you want father, you come back shot a beam out of your hand I have a sister now to so what do you want from me?" I was mad and it was obvious. "Oh nothing quite yet in fact here take the kid he's of no use to me" he untied the ropes and practically threw Kian at me who I nearly didn't catch and god he was heavy. "Heh well then I'm off father adios oh and tell my sister she's good with knives". My father looked stunned and shocked at my actions what can I say a lot has changed.
Ok well I wasn't sure what I was gonna do I this chapter but it worked out I'm happy with it 😁 Anyway cya guys I'll try and update tomorrow 😁 adios Buenas noches

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