Chapter One: Pilot

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Word Count: 395

Peter woke up to the sound of his alarm blaring. He slowly got out of bed, and got ready for school, before remembering that he was working with Aunt May today. It was bring your kid to work day so at least he gets out of school. After he finished getting ready he ran downstairs to see May cooking some tomato soup for lunch later.

"Hey May!" he shouted as he grabbed a banana from the counter.

"Good morning sweetie. Did you get home by curfew last night?" the woman responded.

"Yeah about that. There was a robbery okay? I was just a few minutes late." the teenager whined.

"Peter you know how much being spiderman scares me! The least you could do is be home on time." It had been one week since Aunt May found out that Peter was Spiderman, she was taking it well, but was still very overprotective.

"Okay, okay. But at least I got the sandwiches from Mr.Delmars!"

"Thanks, Peter," she said as she poured the soup into a thermos.


May and Peter shortly arrived at May's work. She worked as an accountant for Oscorp, but every other week she would volunteer at the shelter. She didn't make much money, but she made enough for them to get by. Tony also helped when they needed it despite May saying no. The day was going great, May showed Peter what she had to do, she even let Peter take a few calls.

"May Parker's office how may I help you?" Peter cheerfully said as May stared him down.

"Uhh is Miss. Parker here right now?"

"Yes, she is just give me a minu..." Right before Peter could finish he dropped the phone as all his hairs stood on end. Aunt May looked at him and knew what was happening. Suddenly the sound of gunshots ran through the air and Peter quickly put on his suit.

"Peter! Don't you dare leave!" May pleaded.

"May, I have to innocent people are going to die!" he yelled as he webbed May to her chair. "I love you May."

~~There is the first chapter! I'm sorry it was so short but the others will definitely be longer! Not much tho because this is only a short story! Well, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote! Love you! ~~

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