She Is Our Bodyguard

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Wow. {still 3rd pov}
The boys shook her hand slowly one by one. "Okay, hi. Why didn't you go to the hospital?" Taeyhyung asked very very blankly.

The boys facepamled as he did not understand, "I have been a bodyguard for a long time, I have a lot of enemies so me going to a hospital could be a perfect place to target me and other innocent citizens." she smiled.

Shes a lot calmer than they expected. "Later today you will watch Laya and the other bodyguards battle. After which she will teach you guys the basics of self defense, although you guys do know how to protect yourselves I cannot under all circumstances take a chance." pdnim announced.

"But, as a female input, you guys need to stop being good looking otherwise my job is going to be 10 times harder."the boys blushed at the complement. The girl just shrugged it off.

Ring ring. She picked up her phone and held it against her ear." Unnie? " she held the phone away from her ear as someone screamed at their loudest." Yah! How many times do I have to say it.!" it was IU sunbaenim. The girl laughed at the phone before putting it back against her ear.

"Sunbaenim?" over the phone IU growled causing her to give a light chuckle. "IU'ah."

"Finally. Anyway so this week can we hang out?" iu asked. Layas eyebrows creased as she wouldn't be able to. "Beun, I can't. Ihave a job." Laya ended the call before looking at a very flustered bangtan.

"oh, and I'll be undercover a lot so don't take it by surprise if I  am suddenly a stylist or a janitor or something." Laya laughed it off.

"Sorry for the outburst earlier, kind of was in a mood because of the injury. I have to go we are going to start the battles in 10 minutes. So you guys can get changed or whatever. Meet you guys back in the gym." she smiled before exiting.

Yoongi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding." She is gorgeous." he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck." Waaaaa, did she call IU sunbaenim.... Unnie?" Jungkook asked.

"Nope, I belive it was IU'ah so they are familiar already." Namjoon continued.

"I think I peed my pants and I don't know from what." everyone looked at jhope as he was shrugged back in the corner of the room behind the boys.

"I feel like the old me again. I feel small around a noona now. And she isn't even one. American hustle life is coming back and that was not my good days." yoongi shuddered.

"Talking about it, what type of international playboy are you. YOU couldn't even look her in the eye little junglookie."

Thanks namjoon_wife_ fie the support

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