I have become absolutely obsessed with the musical Phantom of the Opera. I love everything about it. I wouldn't call myself a regular fan, though. Why? Well I love to research interpretations of the musical, different versions of it, the different men and women who play Christine and Erik, aka the Phantom (I never research Raoul because I am obviously #teamerik 100%).
These are all 100000% my opinions!!!
I also would like to mention that even though I favor the women you're about to read about the most, there are still other Christines worth mentioning. Here are a few:
Meghan Picerno, Kelly Mathieson, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Rebecca Caine, Samantha Hill, Rachel Barrell, Olivia Safe, Anne Görner, Julia Udine, and many more.Disclaimer: I will not list Anna O'Byrne because I like to associate her more with Love Never Dies (the phantom sequel) rather than POTO itself, even though she was an amazing Christine for POTO.
POTO: Christine Performances
Randomnot really sure that this is ?? i just wanted to share my favorite christine portrayers/performances with some reasons as to why they're my favorites fhsjdjsks