Chapter 7

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The car ride was pretty quiet for the first minute or two. I suppose we were all too caught up in our own thoughts to speak. Then, Finneas cleared his throat to break the silence.

"So... Avery, are you single?" He casually asked. I heard Billie choke in the passenger seat.

"Yep, I've pretty much been single my entire life haha" I mentally cursed myself for saying that. Now they're both going to think I'm some kind of hermit who never gets out of her house to socialize with other human beings.

"Oh, that's cool... Do you have a type? Or a specific person you're interested in?" He asked. I saw Billie give him a glare and watched his eyebrows raise in amusement. He sounded so casual when he was trying to ask semi-personal questions.

"Uh... I wouldn't say I have a type? I literally love every girl on the planet.." I said with a shrug. I felt the car slow down immensely for a moment, realizing that Finneas had practically slammed his foot on the brake. After realizing what he'd done, he continued driving casually as if nothing had happened.

"Do you just say girls?" He asked. Through the rearview mirror, I saw his eyes dart over to Billie for a second.

"Yep." I said, popping the p.

"Well, that's wonderful... Isn't it Bil?"

I was honestly just confused about all of his questions and didn't know why he kept looking at Billie. I couldn't see her face because she was facing towards the window. I could only assume she was just ready to get home.

"Yeah, that's cool." Billie mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. Was she mad that I'm gay? I'd hope not... She seems like the type of person to not care about sexuality or anything of that nature. Before I could say anything about it, I had to tell Finneas to take the next turn to get to my house. Within 15 seconds or so, we had made it to my house.

"Thank you so much for taking me home, Finneas." I smiled at him.

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Do you need help with your bags?" He asked.

"Well... If it's not too much to ask..?" I said abashedly, not wanting to inconvenience them any further.

"Not at all! Billie, why don't you help Avery with her bags?" Finneas said while nudging her side. I saw her narrow her eyes at him.

"Yeah, sure." She agreed slowly, getting out of the vehicle. I was quick to follow.

We got all of my bags put of the trunk and I lead her up the small walkway to my front porch. As I unlocked the door, I turned to her.

"You can just set those on the porch if you want? I'll just make two trips inside." I shrugged. Billie shook her head at this.

"Nah, I can help you carry them to wherever. It's chill." She said as I opened up the door.

"Alright then, follow me."

I lead her through the living room and over to the stairs. I made my way up the stairs and checked behind me to see if she was still following. When we made it to my bedroom, I just told her to set them on the bed as I sat my portion of the bags on my desk. After she set them down, she took in my room.

"You've got a bomb ass bedroom, Avery." She said with a small smile.

"Thanks! I decorated it myself." I laughed a bit.  "I can give you the "grand tour" if you want."

"Go for it, girl." She said, while making herself comfortable in my desk chair.

"Alright, well, here's the bed, the closet, my little desk, annnd my bookshelf." I said while pointing to the objects as I listed them off, "It's not much, but it's mine!"

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