Chapter 21

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Y'all, it's been a busy week ngl, andd I don't have school for the rest of the school year so 👀 Also, I'm sad to say that this will be the last chapter of this book :') I may add one more short chapter, like a showing of the future though. It's hard to believe this story has already been around for a while year!!!

Before I could even process it, graduation was already here. It was honestly kind of upsetting because it meant it would be my last time in this school as a student.

I sighed as I adjusted my cap and gown in the mirror. Billie still hadn't popped up, but it was fine. She was still doing her own thing and I respected that. I had secretly hoped that she would have came here to wish me luck or whatever, but it's 90% likely that she's probably still on a plane.

"Hey, are you ready to go, Avery?" Gabby said as she poked her head into my room.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I said, snapping myself out of my thoughts.

As Gabby and I walked down the stairs our heels loudly clicked, letting everyone from here to China know we were headed downstairs. My mom smiled at us when she saw us.

"Aww, my little Avery is all grown up!" She sniffled.

"Mom, don't cry!! I'm not growing up too fast! Besides I'll still be living with you until I'm forty." I joked with her.

"You'd better not be! You'd better be happily married and living with someone else by then, young lady." She joked back while pulling me into a hug. Afterwards she started directing my friends and I toward places to stand because she "wanted to take as many cute pictures as possible."

After we posed for forever I finally convinced my mom to stop obsessing over taking pictures and to just live in the moment. After taking a final picture with my mom and dad, we all piled into my van and made our way to the school. When we pulled up, I got a weird pang in my chest as I realized this would be my last time coming to the school. I sighed and Gabby looked at me.

"You sad about this too?" She asked. I nodded and I heard Michelle snort.

"I'm not sad in the least," Michelle said while crossing her arms, "This just means that I won't have to deal with anymore of the idiots in our school!" She nodded happily to herself.

"I get that, I'm just kinda bummed about it cause it means we're all gonna be actual... Adults.." I said while pursing my lips.

"Oh yeah... Forgot that was a thing that came after school.." Jayda responded. We all stayed kind of quiet for a few seconds before Jayda spoke again.

"I mean, hey, at least you're set Avery. I mean you've got a decent YouTube following from all of your music covers and you're dating a very famous person who also has a very famous brother."

"That's true, but that doesn't mean I don't wanna do more with my life. I don't really know what I want to do yet, but that's okay. I can't rely on Bil to support me, even though she very well could. Cause what if we break up someday and I'm relying on her support? I'd basically have nothing." I shrugged. Even though I hated the thought, I knew I was right. I can't rely on my girlfriend or her family to support me my entire life.

"You're right, I was just thinking about it." Jayda shrugged. We eventually got out of the car and made our way toward the courtyard of the school, where our graduation ceremony was being held. It took a while for the whole thing to begin and as soon as it did, I felt all of my nerves start going. I honestly didn't know why I was so anxious, maybe it's because I was afraid I'd fall on my face on the stage, or maybe it's because I was just nervous about the ceremony as a whole. Either way I suppose it didn't really matter because I was eventually called to the stage. I took my precious time walking across to make sure my nightmare would never come true. I grabbed the "diploma" and shook the principal's hand. I slowly walked off the stage and to my seat and waited for it to be over. The valedictorian speeches are what took the longest. Usually there's only one valedictorian, but my school had three of them which only added length to the whole thing. After about thirty-five more minutes it was finally over. We all threw our hats up in the air and went to meet back up with our families. On my walk over to my over-emotional parents, I noticed two somewhat familiar figures standing off to the side in almost all black wearing sunglasses. I squinted at them.

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