Chapter 18

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We made it to our seats with only a few minutes to spare. Unfortunately, I was sat by Alex somehow. I just sighed and decided to ignore her, she was intently staring at her phone anyway. Just as the concert was about to start, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw a short girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Um, I'm sorry if I interrupted you or anything, but I have a quick question.." she said, "Y-You wouldn't happen to be Avery..? Billie's girlfriend..?" The girl asked and I could see excitement in her eyes.

"Oh uh, yeah I am actually.." I smiled at her. She gasped and squealed a bit.

"Do you mind if I take a picture with you?!"

"With... Me?" I asked quizzically.

"Uh huh! " She smiled.

"Well, I don't see why not." I smiled at her and it seemed as though her smile got bigger. We took a quick picture together, with me being slightly awkward as this doesn't really happen. I mean, it had happened a few times, but I was normally with Bil when it happened and not many people had asked for a picture of me separately yet.

After the opener had finished their bit on the stage, Billie walked out with a huge smile on her face.

"What's up my babies!" She yelled out to the crowd, receiving a loud roar of excitement in response. After pumping up the crowd a bit more, Billie proceeded to do her own thing, aka jumping around the stage, singing, and just having a good time in general. Everyone around me was dancing and moving around quite the bit, which was obviously expected, and I would've been totally fine with it if Alex would stop stepping on my feet and constantly bumping into me. Billie looked over and made eye contact with me and I smiled and waved at her. She waved back and at that point I could literally feel Alex staring me down.

As we were nearing the halfway point of the concert, Alex had slightly toned down her aggression toward me which, might I add, literally came from out of nowhere. Well, at least I thought she had toned it down. One moment I was standing and the next, I had been pushed down into my seat by Alex "dancing." I huffed and rolled my eyes. I'm not gonna let her get to me, I'm gonna be the bigger person here and ignore her being childish over a crush that she may or may not have on my girlfriend.

I ended up going to the restroom to be away from Alex for just a moment because she was slightly getting on my nerves. I didn't want to let her ruin my first actual concert experience, but that's what seems to be happening. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Aw c'mon, Avery. Do t let her bum you out. This isn't about you, it's about seeing Bil and watching her have the time of her life!" I said, trying to give myself a little pep talk. I regained my composure and finally went back to enjoy the rest of the concert and to watch Billie.

As soon as I got back to my seat, Billie looked over at me and raised her eyebrow. She had probably noticed that I wasn't there. I just waved her off, basically telling her I was  fine. She stared at me for a few seconds and then just decided to shrug it off.

Aside from that little bit, the concert was a blast. I had fun dancing to Billie's music with everyone else. After it was over I immediately made a beeline for the merch stands. I ended up buying a T-shirt with Billie from When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go on it and a new beanie with the Blohsh symbol on it. Afterwards, I decided I should probably go and see Billie and Finneas and tell them how well they did on their performances tonight. I made it backstage with no problems and saw Billie talking to some fans. I sat and watched her talk for a minute. Just seeing how excited she got when talking to her fans made me smile. She eventually saw me and excused herself from the conversation. She ran over and smiled at me.

"So, what'd you think??" She asked excitedly.

"You did great, babe! I'm very proud!" I said while smiling at her. After noticing she hadn't responded, I looked at her face and saw that she had a blush.

"Uh... Bil? You good?" I asked

"Uh, yeah!" She cleared her throat, "It's just I'm surprised cause that's the first time you've ever called me babe..." She said with a laugh.

"Oh wow, guess it is! Your habits are rubbing off on me Miss Eilish!" I gasped. She laughed and we both just talked for a few minutes before I spotted a familiar figure making their way over. I mentally groaned. Great, it's Alex the destroyer. I almost outwardly giggles at my new nickname for her, but decided it would be in my best interest to not do that.

Alex looked between Bil and I and I saw her eyes narrow slightly when they landed on me. Then a sudden face of "worry" seemed to overcome her.

"Um, hey Bil, can I talk to you for a second... Alone." She said, mocking my nickname for Billie and making sure to emphasize the fact that she didn't want me there.

"Uh... Sure..?" Billie said and motiined to me that it would only be a second. I sighed as they walked somewhere to go talk and shook my head.

- With Billie -

Alex lead Billie to a secluded part of the area that was a decent distance away from Avery.

"So what's up Alex? Why'd you drag me all the way over here?" Billie asked as she stared down at the girl. Alex took a deep breath.

"Well, I have something really important to show you that I really think you need to hear... I don't want to cause drama though.." Alex said as she looked down at her feet.

"I mean, you can show me. I don't really get involved with drama, so."

"Alright... Well here you go.. I'm just letting you know that I recorded this because I knew something was up." Alex said as she pulled out her phone and hit play.

Bil really wanted me to sit behind stage and watch, but I wanted to actually be apart of the crowd... She bought me the ticket so we could celebrate my birthday... I honestly only love her for her money...I pretty much just hang around with her so she can buy me stuff...of course..!

"Was... Was that Avery..?" Billie looked at Alex's phone in some form of shock.

"Yeah... She started talking weird so I started to record her and that's what she said..." Alex said, looking sad. Billie stared at the phone for a few more seconds before a hard expression fell upon her face and she walked back in the direction she'd came. Once she knew Billie couldn't see her, Alex smiled and let out a small giggle.

"That was almost too easy."

- With Avery -

I stood there for about five minutes waiting for Billie and Alex to come back. It didn't take long before I saw Billie walking over. I smiled at her, but she didn't return it at all. She actually looked kinda... Angry and upset?

"Bil, what's wro-"

"We need to talk. We're going back to the hotel." She said with an icy tone. I stared at her back in confusion as she walked in the direction of the car she took there.

What did I do wrong?

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