Chapter Eleven: Yearning.

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"So, Alex, tell me more about yourself."

He smiled shyly at me. We were at an Italian restaurant and had plates of spaghetti in front of us. It was a pleasant evening. We had originally planned on a movie but decided against it last minute.

"I don't really have an interesting life, Samantha. I. . . can be pretty boring."

"Oh come on, there must be something! What are you good at?"

He looked away, down at himself. It was adorable, honestly.

"I paint," he muttered.

"Oh! Show me your works sometime, then."

"Yeah, sure."

"What do you paint?"

"I paint what I see. It could be anything."

"That would make for some interesting results, wouldn't it? What's, like, the craziest thing you've painted?"

"I don't think I've seen a lot of crazy to capture it on canvas. My brother's the exciting one."

"Oh yeah, Jared's been around, that's for sure. But still," I said, chuckling lightly.

"Well, I painted a whole soccer game once."


"Yeah, It's not exactly crazy. Just stupid." He laughed.

"I guess," I said, laughing along.

We ate in silence for a bit, before he spoke.

"So, Samantha. . ."

"Yeah?" I prompted, in between bites.

"Did you go with Harley Gardner to the dance as a friend or. . ?"

"I went with her as her date. Proper date."

"Didn't know you rolled that way."

I paused.

How do I reply to that?

He looked back at his plate, picking at his food.

"I. . . I never have. It's just, she's my friend, and I didn't really feel like going with the guys who asked me out. She's really nice."

"Oh. I didn't think you'd enjoy it all that much. Harley's. . . Harley, y'know?"

Even though I had no idea what he was going on about, I didn't like how it sounded coming out of his mouth. He seemed disappointed, disapproving.

"No, I don't know, actually. What do you mean by that?" I tried to make that sound as polite as humanly possible.

"Oh, it's just. . . nothing. Nobody really talks to her and nobody really likes her. She's always been lonely. Friend-less."

"That's not exactly the impression I got. She has Wyatt Graham and Axelle Summers as her friends. And she's on a date with some girl every week. And it's always her not talking to people, not the other way around. I've seen people come up to talk to her, and I've seen her blatantly ignore them and walk away. If anything, I think she's cool."

He was listening to me carefully. I would say he looked somewhat surprised. And not the pleasant kind. He looked up at me with a certain amount of coldness in his eyes that I suddenly felt rather uncomfortable about.

I smiled with a lethal dose of personal effort. "She's a friend. I like her."

"Did you two kiss or something?" he suddenly asked, breaking the momentarily awkward silence just to bring it to a more insufferable degree of awkwardness.

"Wha-no, no. It was a date, sure, but we didn't go anywhere with it."

I was taken aback by that question, honestly.

"Okay," he said.

"Um, why do you ask? You jealous?" I tried to tease him light heartedly, bring back the peace.

He chuckled halfheartedly. "Oh please. Harley's a fucking nobody."

Record scratch.

Hold up.


Okay, this is pissing me off now.

"Um, no, she's my friend, Alex," I stated, a touch of scorn in my voice.

"Of course, of course. Sorry."

He sounded like he didn't really buy it.

We ate in silence after that. Pretty much. We drove back to my place in silence. The music from the radio didn't help either. I really wanted to be with Alex. I really, really did. He was hot. And he seemed nice enough until he started talking shit about Harley.

He parked the car in front of my house and we went inside.

"My parents wouldn't be home till tomorrow evening. Some business thing," I explained, looking around at the empty mansion.


I wanted to get rid of the silence in some way. I hated silence. Always have.

"Hey, wanna go upstairs? We could hang there. Like, I have a TV and everything. And a mini fridge."

He tore his grey eyes away from the art pieces hanging on the walls and looked back at me.

"Sounds good, Sam."

Why did I not like it when he called me that anymore?

We walked upstairs in silence. We sat on my bed in silence. He got up and began picking at my stuff. . . in silence.

I couldn't take it anymore. This is stupid. Why the fuck am I hanging back like this? And over what? A girl, though my friend, who's still somebody I've known for just a couple of days now? I never do that. I never have.

I walked over to him and grabbed his face, pulling him down to me. Our lips met. He let out a pleasured groan and pulled me closer, hands moving to get rid of my dress as we stumbled over to my bed. We spent the rest of the night like this. At least, until it was two in the morning and he fell asleep beside me, pretty much naked, his light brown hair disheveled and his cheeks flushed.

I laid there beside him, pretty much naked, too. I stared up at the ceiling, at the golden chandelier and the many little lights blinking on and off, as was the design I'd always wanted. It made it look like I had fireflies in my room, a thing I dreamed about occasionally as a six year old.

I could feel the coldness of the night kiss my skin, but somehow it made me feel more comfortable than when it was his lips instead. I wondered why that was. I didn't want to admit it but as I thought about it, a face appeared in the back of my mind with another one right behind it. A girl and yet, another girl. One had messy brown hair and deep brown eyes, while the other had bleached hair that was cut short and green eyes that shone like stars twinkling in the sky.

I missed the latter more. I missed her while I somehow yearned for the other.

Why am I yearning? She's probably fucking Brielle Harris at this very moment, or some other lucky girl, in her bed.

Wait a minute.

Did I just call that girl lucky?

Doesn't that imply that I wish I was that lucky girl?

My head started spinning and my eyes tiredly slid shut into the welcoming darkness, my raging thoughts dissolving into nothing as I felt soft breathing against my shoulder and a strong, muscular arm come around my waist.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel like for Samantha to talk so seriously is out of character. But I couldn't really stop my fingers. And I didn't want to. Lemme know what you think :)

Love you,


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