Chapter Sixteen: She's A Disgrace.

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I turned around to see Alex running towards me from across the school parking lot. I smiled and waved, waiting for him to catch up.

"Hey," he breathed out, panting as he came to a stop in front of me.

"Hi, Al!" I said, smiling. "I'd kiss you and all, but you're. . . y'know, sweating."

"Where the heck did you go Saturday night?" he questioned, cutting straight to the chase.

"I. . ."

"I was so worried, Samantha! I couldn't come over yesterday because of this stupid business party my parents dragged me along to. I texted you. You didn't reply to them either."

I believed him. He did look genuinely concerned, his stormy grey eyes searching my face for answers that I was hesitating to give. I didn't see his texts the next day either. Mostly because I had work to do. And also a terrible migraine.

"I was drunk. And really, really tired. I left early."

"Somebody drove you home?"

"No, I. . . I went over to Harley's. Her place is closer to yours."

"Yeah, I'm aware," he said, his eyes hardening at her name. I didn't like that one bit. But I decided to stay calm.

"Something the matter?" I asked him politely.

He gave me a long look. In his eyes I saw mistrust and insecurity.

"No," he said, curtly. "See you at lunch, Sam."

He walked away. He usually walks me to class. Something in the way that conversation went and his comportment told me that he had lots and lots of questions in his head that he wanted to throw at me, but had inexplicably refrained from doing so.


I tore my eyes away from Alex's retreating figure and met eye-to-eye with none other than Harley Gardner herself. Her face was radiant in the morning, her messy brown hair complimenting her features as usual, pink lips curved into a prepossesive smile that catches the eye. She was in a black graphic t-shirt, paired with black jeggings, black converse shoes and a black jacket with a red skull and flames on the left breast pocket.

"Hi," I said, effortlessly renewing my smile.

"Good morning," she said, shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Good morning."

"How are you? You know, after all that happened at that party."

"I'm okay."

"I can't believe I'm asking you this again, but where is that boyfriend of yours? Sick at home?"

"Nah, he just went in."

She didn't question any further, fortunately.

"Alright then. Do you wanna go in, too? Or do you wanna skip first period with me?"

I raised an eyebrow amusedly.

"What makes you think I'm the kind who skips classes?"

"You don't?" She looked genuinely confused.

"No, I have a test," I said, laughing.

"Wow, nerd. I'm guessing you finished that stupid project in Math, too. I swear I just found out it's due today."

"I did, actually."

"Good for you," she said, a tone of sarcasm evident in her voice.

"I thought you did well in school."

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