Chapter Nineteen: Hers And Hers Only.

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I can't sleep.

I can't sleep.

I. Can't. Sleep.


I switched the bedside lamp on and stared at my mother standing at the door, looking concerned, the dark of the night melting away in seconds. The dark, which I was trying hard to get used to with the raging thoughts about a certain popular girl.

Not to mention her body at the lake, without the bra on, said a nasty little voice in my head, taking my mind back to when I was kissing her bare skin, her sweet moans filling my ears and mind like music.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"What's wrong?"

"W-what? Nothing's wrong, Mom. I'm just not feeling that sleepy is all."




"It has nothing to do with all that."

"Then what's keeping you up, Harley?"

She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, beside me. "You know you can tell me."

"It's just. . . There's this girl. . ."

"Girl problems?"

I let out a defeated sigh. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that."

"You're going out with that Brielle girl, aren't you? I thought things were going okay, even though I personally don't get what you see in her."

I sat up.

"That's the thing, Mom. There's another girl."

"Oooh, scandalous!" she said, smirking, suddenly looking way more interested.


She laughed. "Sorry, sorry. I like to have my fun with you sometimes."

I waited, giving her my best I need you to be serious look.

Her smirk melted away into a look of concern.

"Okay, what about this other girl?"

"I. . . I mean, we. . . um, kissed. It just happened,  unexpectedly. "

"Well, okay. Did you tell Brielle that?"

"No. I didn't," I said quietly. I expected her to get mad at me but she was still calm, welcoming, understanding.

"Alright. Does the kiss mean anything to you then?"

I thought about it. I thought a lot about it. My mind floated back to when her soft, red lips were on mine. Did that mean anything? Did it? Did it really?

No. It couldn't, could it? It was a stupid, meaningless kiss. It wasn't even that great.

Well, your body was telling a different story.

And so was hers.

"I don't really know," I replied.

"Well, I think you do. You're just not accepting it."

"What do you mean?"

"I just think that if you're losing sleep over this girl, it meant something to you. She means something to you."

I looked up at her.

"Follow your heart, honey. I know that's a clichè. But it's true."

She gave me a kiss on the forehead, got up and walked towards the door.

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