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My heart is practically beating out of my chest. I'm driving sixty five in a twenty mile per hour zone. He lives only about nine or ten minutes away but each minute I waste without him is a minute I have to spend alone. My body screams; 'Brendon, Brendon, Brendon' over and over. Hurting, aching. Is this why girls are always around him? He's their drug. They're hooked like me. Just needing a fix of his voice of his smile, of him.

I round the corner to his street and slow down to count. Seventh house on the left.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

It's pitch black except for his porch light dimly illuminating the front door. The only car in the driveway is his trashy Ford Focus, the car I rode in only a few days ago to this exact place. I park on the side of the road in front of his house. I pull the keys out of the ignition in one quick motion and open the car door, slamming it shut. I walk up to his porch and peek inside, I feel like a stalker but I want to see if he's in there.

All I can see is the stairs right in the entrance way and a living room to the left that I never paid close attention to.

I don't have Brendon's number, Snapchat, Instagram, nothing. I have no way to get ahold of him except one.

*Bang Bang Bang*

The door shakes at my fist slamming into it, knocking until my knuckles hurt.

Come on Brendon wake up.

I stand on the porch thinking. He has to be home. His cars here, he said he was free and that his parents were still out of town. I run my hand across my pony tail as I pace back and forth on the small cement square. His face in the store is the only thing I can picture, the sadness when I said I couldn't come over. I don't know why I said no I'm such an idiot, he just seemed off.

I turn back around to face the door seeing the light shining off the door bell. I ring it a couple times and wait. I can feel my pulse in my wrist and in my neck. The feeling at the party and in the mall is coming back to me.


I start breathing heavy and my hands are shaking. What's happening?

*Bang Bang Bang*

"Brendon." I whisper under my breath, hoping he can hear me.

"Brendon!" I yell it this time. "Brendon!" I scream his name until my throat burns and tears fill my eyes. My whole body is shaking now and my heartbeat sounds like a drum in my ears. I put my back against a pillar on his porch and slide down to the ground, sobbing. I pull my knees into my chest and feel the emptiness inside. What in the hell is wrong with me? Why does this keep happening, why do I feel like I need him?

I sit on the cold concrete for a few minutes until I stand back up. I wipe the sticky tears from my face and turn around to get in my car feeling defeated. I drag myself over to the door and open it, getting in. I shove the keys in the ignition and slam my head on the back of the seat, closing my eyes. I squeeze them shut, realizing how stupid I am to think that he'd wake up or that he'd even be here. I turn out the steering wheel and head home.

"Good Morning!" Constance's booming voice bounced around in my skull.

"Yes good morning" My head was pounding and wouldn't stop. I ended up only getting a couple hours of sleep last night thanks to Brendon not waking up.

"So did you hear the news about Urie?"

Brendon? What now. Did he tell everyone about last Saturday?

"No I didn't. What's going on with that pot head now?" My mind was racing.

"Well it looks like I don't have to explain, there he is."

I look behind me and walking down the hall is Brendon. He has a pair of sunglasses on and rushes into the bathroom. I want to talk to him but not here, not at school. I can't have Gabby knowing that we're friends or something.

"Well if it isn't Peeping Tom herself."

As if this day couldn't get any worse, the head bitch herself appears out of thin air.

"Good morning to you too Alexa." She's wearing a top that barely covers her tits with big hoop earrings. Her Prada backpack is being carried in her hands, not even big enough to fit a textbook. Her red bottom stilettos peak through the bottom of her skin tight jeans that accent her in ways Dallon just couldn't resist.

"So first I have to steal Dallon from you and now you're just dying to know what I do with Brendon?" She stares at me hard.

"It really wasn't like that. Maybe the next time you try to have sex at a party you should lock the door. I mean you should be a professional at that now considering the first time you hooked up with Dallon was at a party." I can feel my blood boiling.

"Oh, we were only at the party for a short time. We went back to his place so things could get more... personal."

I was at a loss for words. Arguing with Alexa was pointless, everything was in the past and she's obviously not with Dallon anymore.

"Say what you want Alexa, just leave me alone." I turn around to walk to class and Constance quietly follows.

"What was that about?" She whispered.

"I'll explain later." I didn't want to talk I just wanted to get the day over with.

"Hey babe I was trying to find you!"

I turn around and my mouth drops to the floor. Why would I think he was talking to me?

HIII omg okay i know i'm the WORST at fucking updating i'm sorry! schools back in session and summer was taking up so. much. time. i don't like this chapter too much but i hope you kinda enjoy it ! i'm definitely gonna try and start updating more for sure so be on the look out !! love you guys as always !


NEW CHAPTER UPDATE: so!! I updated the ending of this chapter ! If you don't know anything about it, read my next chapter that's just a little book update. I hope you guys like this ending better !

(i'm thinking about smut next chapter ;) )

word count: 1,117

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