So in this "moment" my brother (GamerBugsBunny) was playing with ChickenNuggyBoi from the friend group and I was sitting beside him, btw I was very hyper and just talking to GBB and CNB but i was talking to CNB through GBB😂
GBB= GamerBugsBunny
CNB= ChickenNuggyBoi
Kordanna= Me ofc😂We were talking about memes and just laughing around.
Me- guys I have to tell you something... I have Ligma...
CNB- did Kordanna just say she has ligma??
GBB- ...yeahhh...*wheezes*
*we laugh for awhile*
CNB- Ligma is the disability to play video games.
*we laugh about it for awhile*
Me- Oh my god GBB we have Ligma because we cannot play video games *says as I'm crying because of laughing*
GBB- Nah that's just you *wheezes*
Me- Oh true😭😂Big F in the chat if you have that disability:( <3
This little moment is also when I was watching GBB play with CNB😂
Me- Oh god you know what I want?
GBB- *into the match he was playing* ...what?
Me- Chicken nuggets...
GBB- did you hear that ChickenNuggyBoi??! Kordanna wants chicken nuggets!!
CNB- how could you??! Wanting to eat my kind?!
Me- Oh my god.. I'm so sorrryyy😭😂
ChickenNuggyBoi- *continues to be dramatic for another 5 minutes*😂💀 yikes.
Random convos from PS4 party chats😂💀
HumorNot gonna use real names🤪 because these people are my friends and I love them and they don't know I'm writing this😂