plan on motion

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Damien's POV

When we were eating lunch in cafeteria, they were talking about some people named Donnavons. It seemed like they were great people but if people knew her family, shouldn't they know the girl's face! It's like everyone knows them but doesn't know the most important person's appearance. To be honest, this is weird.

The topic soon changed to AD going for illegal fighting, and I think this is the best opportunity for us to take her down. She is such a pain in the ass! We need to take her down. This all will end by today and it's going te be the last fight of hers. Let's see if she was her last fight.

~~~~~~~At the underground~~~~~~~
Ashley's POV

"Are you sure that this will work?" Luke asked me when we were alone.
"Yeah, I mean this should work, it has to. My plans don't usually fail, brother." I replied.
"If you say so, but be careful!" He shouted the last part as I was leaving.
"Will do!" I shouted back.

Gray's POV

"You know this is risky right?" I asked Luke and Ray. "Yeah, but if she's sure then we will have to support her.


The fight had already started and we had been working with the plan. Damien and his men were watching the matches and maybe waiting eagerly for AD to come out for her match.

We all had been using bluetooth to keep contact with each other. We three went and sat with his men. "Make sure the next fight is mine but with someone lousy. As they know AD is a girl, find someone from the best fighters as a replacement right now!" She ordered us. Ray and Luke got up and followed her orders.

Soon the announcement was made. "Next up with your one and only AD and a new kid" . Roar of cheering and claps was heard. After all everyone loved AD but such a disappointment that she ain't the real one today.

The fight had started, Luke and Ray returned. Damien and his men stood up and was walking towards the fight. I gave look to the boys beside me. We all knew they would rather catch her alive than shoot now.

Nina the girl who pretended to be AD won and was coming down. As usual cheers had erupted. She turned towards the locker of AD. Thank God we already explained her everything. He and his men followed her to the locker.

I guess it's time for some action. "Guys nobody dies today not them nor us!" AD ordered us and we replied with a "yes boss". "Don't forget to cover your faces everyone" I said.

A/N: Sorry guys for a late update!! I have been studying for my exam and couldn't update.
My Exams are still going on. I will be back to updating regular after 19 November.

Thank you for supporting me... I love you guys.

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