22. The Fateful Past

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Ashley POV

"I know some of you are curious about what is happening but before that I want to solve our current situation." Everyone nodded even though they were dying out of curiosity.

"So the Snakes have taken Angel form school when we were under attack. I had already warned her about the possibility of attack so let's hope she's smart enough to keep her necklace with her. Rose, please start tracking her location." Ray and Gray lighted up at the mention of the necklace so I assume they forgot about it.

"We know who and why they have taken her. Dad, papa Robert and everyone who were present on that fateful day, you should know our time for revenge is here. By the time Rose tracks her, I will explain everything." All of them were too engrossed in the story to talk. So I took it as an indication to continue.

"Those if you who are new to this story listen carefully. The leader of Snakes attacked us around 8 years ago when we were not at charge yet. Dad and papa ruled the city in two parts. They wanted a pice from us as well, in short they were jealous of us and could handle the rejection from our gangs." Most were dazed probably thinking about those days.

"Damien, Luke and me, we three were taken by the Snakes to lure our parents out and give them the land. We were around 10 then and we were beaten and not fed." I stopped talking and gulped, this takes a lot in me to talk about the past. I changed my facial expressions so they couldn't see the pain and sadness but Dam Dam saw right through it. He extended his arms on my shoulder and pulled me towards him which made me lean my head on his shoulder. Unluckily this didn't go unnoticed by our parents.

"Anyways back to the story and time skip our parent found us and it was a whole disaster. The fights were too messy and all I remember are explosions, shootings and screaming. The last thing I remember before going into shock was that me and Luke got lost and he got taken away from me." I took a deep breath before continuing.

I looked at dad then started. "I remember waking up in the hospital and dad telling me that we are going to leave and have a fresh start because this place holder too many memories of the Hastings and Luke. I was young and in shock, I didn't understand much until later when I realized they thought my brother is dead." This time I looked at my brother who gave me a look of encouragement. I could feel Damien's hand trying to comfort me.

"Yes, I saw Damien being taken away from me in a chopper but I didn't want them to get false hopes that he is probably alive yet. And I also got to know that the Hastings and us were not at the same hospital because the hospital was already full and we had to get separated which resulted in both of you thinking the opposite party is dead." All of them just nodded but I just glared at them.

"You two were the strongest leader yet the dumbest. You both were so lost in grief and wanted a new start that you both jumped at the opportunity to have a fresh start. Years of grief wouldn't have existed then. We just offered our land in a silver platter to the Snakes." I rolled my eyes at them. I know that Damien agreed with me as well.

"Anyways I started training harder and got our trusted members to start looking for Luke with mom and dad getting a wind of it. As I said I didn't want you two to have false hope that the Snakes kept him alive since it's been years. I started searching for him and lead to dead ends. Yet I wanted to find him as he is the rightful leader to the gang." Mom and dad were definitely not happy with how I took the situation in hand but they couldn't say anything. They were trying to move on and I didn't want them to fall into the pit of this cycle.

"As you all know a few years back I brought Luke to our house and gave him a place to stay. Most of you thought why would I let a stray kids live with us and give him a status in the gang, well now you have your answer." Some bowed down in respect to Luke after all he is the real leader. I had wanted to step down a long time ago as this wasn't my choice. He was brought up to be the leader while I was brought to be the CEO of our company and at the end this is how it's going to be.

"I killed the one who attacked us that day after torturing him for days. I had too much hate in me to think clearly. Torturing him was fun even though I was just a kid." I'm sure I had an evil smirk on my face because most of the people here flinched at the hatred in my eyes.

"Anyways I rescued Luke and brought him here. Luckily that bitch of a done wasn't there and I couldn't finish him. Me and Luke were waiting for his strike, for him to show up at our land and he did. The first to strike always looses, simple fighting tactic. He has now offered himself on a silver platter and I want his head on it." Everyone nodded taking that as an order. I didn't want to explain how I found Luke because it seemed unnecessary.

"Now Rose give me the location. Everyone please assemble into teams of four with the one of status leading them. Me and Damien soon will be out to explain the plan. Get the cars ready and check the weapons out." All of them walked out to do their respective jobs and some who wouldn't fight went to monitor everything.

Me and Damien stood up with our hands intertwined. The dads raised their eyebrows while the moms were a bit different. "So when's the wedding?"

"Mom!" Both of us shouted together. All four of them chuckled at our embarrassed face. Well laugh all you want because this ain't happening again. At least they approved of us and that's all that matters. We both nodded at the after calming down and left to rescue our Angel.


Well I am happy because I just got my IGCSE certificate. I got 1A*, 2As and 4Bs. I mean there are a lot of my friends who got all A* but for me this is just fine.

You would be happy as well if you got A* in math and A in physics and chemistry.

Well okay enough about results, I just updated again and as I said before there aren't many chapters left and some of you may not like the lack of romance in this story but I'm very bad at writing those so sorry.

And THANK YOU for reading this story till now. I'm grateful.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!!!

There might be some error because I didn't proof read it so sorry an I will fix it when I edit.

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