Coffee counters

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22nd June 2012

The spring day didn't seem any different, coffee tasted the same and that sweet aroma of fresh Danish and cappuccinos filed the room no one seemed to notice and little would they care. The room was perfect and the rain made it all the more inviting to be indoors, the windows fogged slightly and the busy street sounds out side were replaces by the kitchen staff taking orders and the sound of coffee machines with milk frothing.

The usuals were in, the old business man at the counter bar stool,on the phone with his morning paper and latte'. Every now and then he would raise his voice trying to make a deal with whom seemed to be his business partner, it seemed an important client was lost over a lack of customer service. Quite close to the man was the perfect looking family, that took up exactly four seats eating breakfast. The mother in a pink cardigan and tight white singlet top with black pants and pink heels. She wore a million dollar smile across her face as her perfect long strawberry blonde hair was free and flowing. The daughter seemed to share the same hair and grin talking to her mother about joining the new horse riding school that all her friends where members at. The father and son had their own conversation going on about football and the game against Chelsea and Manchester in the next week coming. The boy had looks to kill with his mothers blue eyes yet his fathers rich black hair, they shared the same jaw line although his fathers stubble was that nice professional style that followed his jaw. Both siblings dressed in school clothes that were tagged of some fancy rich school.

By the window in the coroner a couple were placed at a table for two. Heavenly in love with the other they sipped their coffee and shared a Danish while still looking deep into the others soul.

A young girl or maybe best said lady was sitting by herself at a table for one. Dressed in a posh but sweet business suit with skirt and white blouse, her jacket loose on her shoulders. Her slender legs crossed as she stared out in to the streets through day dream. Her mug still gracefully clasped in her hands breathing the hot steam in.

The door to the cafe' opened and the bell makes a sound, I don't bother to look who it is, I know who it is. The person who I wish wasn't here for me, I continue look out the window still and I hear the chair next to me being pulled out.

"Hello Luce" a deep, sweet, quiet familiar voice says brushing my eardrum


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