Chapter one

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Betty's pov
I walked into the door of my house tears streaming down my face. I shut the door only to slide down it as my knees had given out from the pain of what just happened, what I just did. It was my 25th birthday but instead of partying and having fun I sat here burying my head in my knees balling my eyes out. I knew I did the right thing I couldn't stay with him anymore he was not the same man I fell in love with in high school. He was no longer my Jughead Jones now he was the alcohols Jughead Jones. It pained me to think about the last few months and how I hadn't really seen him sober. I had to take care of him, help him into the shower every night to wash off the puke and smell of alcohol. What happened to him? What made him this drunk all of a sudden? I didn't know the answers but I did know I couldn't take it. He was supposed to love me, to take care of me, not push me out until he needs me to again. He was supposed to be the love of my life but the last few months it sure didn't feel like it.

I had run here from the wyrm and between crying and running I was breathing erratically and shaking. This normally would be where Jughead would hold my hands and say "follow my breathing baby in and out, in and out." But he wasn't here. He never would be again. So I just sat there crying and shaking until I passed out from hyperventilating. When I woke up again the next morning I instantly felt the pain both mentally and physically from the night before. My head pounded and my throat burned but more than that was by stinging eyes and the pain in my chest. I suddenly felt like I was gonna be sick, so I rushed up to the bathroom loosing my balance and almost falling multiple times. After I finished throwing up I tried to stand up and walk to my bed but as soon as both my feet were flat on the ground my knees gave out again just like they did the night before. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my phone to text Cheryl but I noticed instead the million texts I had from her, Toni, Kevin and Fangs.
Cheryl: Betty where are you???
Cheryl: Did you leave your own birthday party?
Cheryl: Betty we are all getting worried where are you?!
Kevin: B where did you go?
Kevin: Betty Jones where are you?
Toni: You ok Betty?
Fangs: Betty where are you? We need you to come get jug.
Toni: Betty we need you to come get Jug he's trying to start fights again!

The last two texts made me angry. Of course he was trying to start fights and getting to wasted to get himself home. This is what the last couple months were filled with, texts just like that every night. Instead of answering there questions or seeing if Jug was ok I just text Cheryl.

Betty: I'm at my house I need your help please come quickly.

Within seconds Cheryl responded

Cheryl: yes b I'm be there in a few!

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door then followed my the sound of the door opening. "B where are you?" Cheryl shouted.
"I'm in the bathroom" I tried to yell but it only came out as a whisper. Eventually Cheryl came up the stairs and saw me laying on the bathroom floor looking like a mess I'm sure.
"Omg B what happened????" Cheryl said worry filling her voice. "I- I- I..." was all I managed before my voice gave out again. "Come on let's get you in bed and then I'll get you some water."  Cheryl said.
She picked me up best she could and we waddled over to my bed. As I was laying down she walked away back into the bathroom and came back out with a glass of water and two aspirins. "Here take these and then we can talk ok?" She spoke concerned. I did as she said and took the pills and drank the whole glass of water as I was dying of thirst. After a moment I tried to speak again. " I- I broke up with Jug." Was all I managed to get out before starting to cry all over again. "What?!?!?!" She responded almost shouting but not quite because she knew my head hurt. "I can't deal with him being a drunk anymore. I've only seen him sober once in the last month and that was when he promised he was done drinking. And stupidly I believed him" I said crying harder with every word. "Betty I think you made the right decision Jughead hasn't been a good husband to you lately and he needs to get it together." Cheryl said only making me feel worse. "But I don't think you two are over. How could you be? He just needs some time to realize he can't live without you and to get his life back on track!" I was thinking about what she said and about how I don't know how I'm going to live without him when I had the urge to puke again. "Sick" was all I managed to say before I threw up all over the floor. "Omg Betty!!" She shouted making my head pound more than it already was. "I'm sorry" I said losing my voice yet again. "Betty it's fine but you need to calm down. Here put these on" Cheryl said while handing me pajamas. "Cheryl it's day time now I can't sleep. I'm fine." I said while sniffing. "Betty shush you know I'm right now put them on and then get back in bed!" "Ok mom jeez!" I said with a small smile. "Hey Cheryl" I started "don't tell people yet ok?" "Your secrets safe with me." She said and walked out of the room. The moment my head hit the pillow I passed out.

1032 words

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