Chapter Five

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Betty's POV

It had been a week since my birthday, a week since I left Jughead, and a week since the serpents split in two. It was a mess absolutely everything was a mess. I hadn't been without Jug since sophomore year when the black hood made me break up with him. It was miserable without him and I missed him like crazy. I had been throwing up every morning from the nightmares. I was calling a serpent meeting today and was about to head downstairs because that's where we were holding meetings now. But before I could I felt like I had to throw up again I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Why was I throwing up so much?

"Ok hello everyone. I'm just going to get to the point as I've always done. I want you all to go back to the serpents. The real serpents. It's my fault that we split up and it's not right for me to split all of you up as well." I started tears burning in my eyes "I love all of you and all of the other serpents but without Jughead I can't lead you all. So please all of you go back to the wyrm be one whole gang again." Looking around the room I could tell they all saw right threw me. That I couldn't survive without Jug and that I didn't want to leave the serpents. I couldn't do it anymore I let the tears fall from my eyes and they started streaking down my face. It was silent around the room with everyone just looking at me in pity. "For gods sake someone say something already!" Cheryl said angry at the situation and seeing me hurt obviously. She was mad at Jughead I'd seen her slap him many times since he started drinking a lot. "Betty you can't leave the serpents! This is your family, you can't just leave because of Jug. If anything everyone should just become part of your gang and leave Jughead. He's to drunk to do anything productive anyway." Kevin stated frustrated. The last part was like a punch to the stomach I sat down at that and just didn't talk. Yet again the room fell silent. How do I respond to that? It's Jughead's blood right to be king I can't just take that from him. God and the only person I want to talk about this with is him.

Jughead's POV

I missed her. I've fallen asleep every night this week missing her and wishing I had her in my arms. I was drinking less, sleeping instead. All I wanted was my wife back. But I didn't deserve her. She's better off without me. All I ever do is drag her down. That's why she left me, she's to good for me. It was time for my half of the serpents meeting. Leading them is what brought me to drink and now I'm doing it alone and it's worse. Ever since Betty and I's wedding about five years ago where penny attempted to kidnap me. The ghoulies have done nothing but try to attack us and take over our territory. I've never given Betty what she deserves not even on our wedding day.

"SEEPENTS" I yelled over the bar drink in hand "Let's make this short and sweet. I've been a terrible leader and a terrible husband. I want you to all go join Betty's half of the gang. She could lead you better than me anyway." Everyone started talking again and had concerned looks. "Jug you can't just leave us you are king by blood!" Fangs yelled over everyone. "Doesn't matter anymore I can't do this anymore. If I ever want to get my wife back I need to get my life together and being king is not together." I said back not caring who heard. I wanted Betty back, I needed Betty back.

Betty's POV

After the meeting Cheryl and Kevin stayed to check up on me. They ended up staying and we were watch a movie and eating popcorn. About halfway through the movie Cheryl decided she wanted pops so she was going to go get it for all of us. "Do you guys want anything?" She asked. In unison Kevin and I said "my usual please" We turned and looked at each other and laughed. "Ok weirdos" Cheryl said walking out the door. "So Betty really how have you been?" Kevin said. I hadn't told them about being sick yet. "Well actually I've been throwing up a lot. After I eat and when I wake up. At first I just thought it was the nightmares I've been having since Jug hasn't been around to help me. But I don't know I'm thinking of going to see the doctor tomorrow." I said unsure of myself as this was a weird situation. "Oh wow." Kevin said picking up his phone and texting someone something. "Who are you texting?" I asked very confused at this point. "I'm texting Cheryl something else she needs to pick up why she's out is all." He said assuring me although he seemed to be faking the smile he shot me after saying that. What is going on?

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