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jimin 💫
hey so, if we do participate in hoseok's dating game or whatever: do you want to try and get to know each other?

jimin 💫
we don't have to actually do it bc i know you have a reputation and all of that but i figured i'd give it a shot

jimin 💫
srry for bothering you if ur busy

nba yoong boy
i'm not busy

nba yoong boy
but what do you mean by "reputation"

jimin 💫
you know like,,,,, being kind of popular and all that

nba yoong boy
ohhh, nono it's all good.  i don't pay attention to those kinds of things.  i just post music and move on.  the followers are only an added bonus because of feedback.

jimin 💫
so you're not concerned with your follower count?

nba yoong boy
not as much as you seem to be

nba yoong boy
no offense

jimin 💫
damn, you really came for me

jimin 💫
but i get it

jimin 💫
most of it is as a joke tbh

nba yoong boy
most of

jimin 💫
i like validation, okay?  😭

nba yoong boy

jimin 💫
do you think any of the others are concerned with it

nba yoong boy
idk idc

nba yoong boy
i don't really like talking about this stuff :/// it's kind of bland

jimin 💫
oH sorry ksksk

jimin 💫
what kind of music do you make?

nba yoong boy
beats to go with raps.  they're okay but i do put a lot of work into them so i like them

jimin 💫
send me a link!!! i want to listen!!

nba yoong boy

nba yoong boy
here's a recent one that i think is okay-ish

jimin 💫
i like this!  it's kind of groovy, kind of trap, kind of slow/sad

jimin 💫
definitely distinctive from basic beats produced.  i would listen to this.

nba yoong boy

nba yoong boy
what do you do as a hobby or career

jimin 💫

jimin 💫
get emotional on my tl

jimin 💫
the usual 🤪

nba yoong boy
sounds like you're living the life

jimin 💫
some are jealous 💅

nba yoong boy
me.  i am some.

jimin 💫
don't be

jimin 💫
i don't get paid bc twitter said their users lives don't matter

jimin 💫
i post my feelings to the public, offering up vulnerability, and for what?  DUST!

nba yoong boy
you get occasional drags/threats

jimin 💫
ur right.  what am i thinking?  what's not to love abt twitter

jimin 💫
it's where i met my bf <3

nba yoong boy
you have a boyfriend??

jimin 💫

nba yoong boy
i thought everyone in that chat was single

jimin 💫

jimin 💫

jimin 💫
YOU are my bf ksksks

jimin 💫
we're "dating" remember?

nba yoong boy

nba yoong boy
i didn't know we were jumping right into it.  i expected preliminaries or something

jimin 💫
did you really just say preliminaries

jimin 💫
we need to tell hoseok to go back to the drawing boards asap

nba yoong boy

i want to finish up tk & nj chapters but i am so,,,, sleepy,,, mayhaps i will take a nap and come back later idkidk

also sorry if this is bad ); trying my best out here

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