Ice Cream (Deceit)

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/// Deceit speaks in lies so if he says he hates something, he loves it and vice versa, you get the point. play da song///

Deceit and I were out for ice cream. We went to Laura Secord cuz they are THE BEST, apart from mc.d's 1 dollar cones and Baskin Robbins. He got a banana split while I got a soft-serve chocolate and vanilla twist, like the ones you get from Costco. We were walking in the park on the less busy side because there was a carnival in town, but you could still hear the music.  It was Pink Elephants on Parade Electro Swing Remix. There was silence. But a comfortable silence while I was swaying to the beat of the music.


We were halfway done our ice creams while walking back towards Thomas' house. All of a sudden, I DROPPED MEH ICE CREAM. "How the mighty have fallen!" "You didn't drop your ice cream, now stop being dramatic. I hate it." I started to be thrice as dramatic as Roman. So I started swooning over Deceit and fainting. Two minutes later he dropped his banana split and started chuckling because of how stupid I was acting. I joined in. We picked them up and dumped them into the trash when the next song came on.

As the next song came on, I started to sing and dance. ( deceit is bold, you are normal, bold italics is you both)

Show me how to lie
You're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one
Is an art that's hard to teach

Another clever word
Sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you get back into line
A mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance
Man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only youAnd now you steal away

Take him out today
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk awayNothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Slowly out of line
And drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I'm wide awake
It's a scene about me

There's something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can't get what you want
Well it's all because of me

Now dance, fucker, dance
Man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you'll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid, trust, deceived!

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Now dance, fucker, dance
He never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

So dance, fucker, dance
I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Clever alibis, Lord of the flies
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Thank GOD no one was around to see that cuz that would've been HELLA EMBARRASING!! We were walking through the door laughing our asses off when Roman asked what was so funny. I was still trying to catch my breath when Deceit pulled out his phone to show him that he had secretly recorded the whole moment. Roman was wide-eyed in shock with a smile on plastered on his face while I was blushing like a mad man. I ran upstairs two seconds befo-"Y/N!!!" Yup. Virgils' mad and probably gonna kill me for what he just saw.

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