Singing (Antisepticeye)

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I got this idea while doing chores/daydreaming. have fun...

1:42 am That's what my clock read. For some reason, I have not been able to sleep tonight. Usually listening to Isolation Music Box by Lucas King will help me fall asleep but, NOT TONIGHT. So.........ONTO THE NEXT METHOD: singing. I normally don't sing, I lip-sync. Mainly because it tires me out. But in this case, desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus everyone was asleep anyway.

Hear my Voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me sleep peacefully
Listen to this siren song
worry not for nothings wrong

Let my voice lead you this way
I will not lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out where en have died

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Let the ocean fill your lungs
Struggle not soon peace Will come
Taking in your final breath
Sink down to the ocean's depths

I wish I could always be
In the ocean's arms you see
He who'd wanted nothing more
Sleeps now at the ocean floor

Ocean was you lovers name
You had loved her all the same
Now you'll always be together
Sirens are so very clever

Hear my voice beneath the sea 

Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

I finish singing and fall asleep in an instant.


I get up and walk downstairs where all the egos are up and all huddled together as if they were sharing a secret. ¨Mornin' guys.¨ ¨Hey y/n...¨ ¨Yeah Anti?¨ ¨You never told us you could sing. Why?¨ ¨uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh¨ And that's when I ran like a mad man back to my room and locked myself in there. The thing is that I hate to be judged, good or bad. And after last nights sleep, I just can't handle it right now.

Anti's POV

When y/n ran up to her room I followed her. She had locked herself in. I'm such an IDIOT! I should have asked her if I could share this with the others. I just caused her more pain. BUUUUUUUUUT. On the other hand, she could do it freely without being judged and feeling awkward. STILL, I GOTTA APOLOGISE. I looked through youtube and found the perfect song! 

(bold is anti, normal is you and underlined is both)

I've been locked in the locker
I was picked last in soccer
And they say that it's all fun
But their fun, it ain't fun, man, I'm done

And I know we're all different
Our beliefs and religions
But I don't see the difference

In me, you
Your, tu
Or moi, vous
So if you've had enough, then

Come to the land of the lost and lonely
Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family
Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken
Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy
Just freaks like you and me
We are the freaks

I've been kicked down in the dirt
I pretend that it don't hurt

And I know that they're just words

But sticks, stones, they break bones
But just know

We could all be disciples
And we'll write our own Bible
We'll put freaks in the title

It's me, you
Your, tu
And moi, vous
So if you've had enough, then

Come to the land of the lost and lonely
Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family
Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken
Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy
Just freaks like you and me
We are the freaks

Come to the land of the lost and lonely
Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family
Of freaks like you and me

I know a place where the bruised and broken
Live like the kings and the queens of tragedy
Just freaks like you and me

Come home
Where you can be you, I can be me
We'll never leave, 'cause we are the freaks

Come home
Where you can be you, I can be me
We'll never leave, 'cause we are the freaks
We are the freaks

We finished singing and she unlocked her door. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and a lovely smile spread across her face. ¨Thank you.¨ She said barely audible and hugged me like we were saying goodbye forever. And guess what, I hugged back. We were there for a few minutes, even after a few cameras click, we didn't care. When we did let go, even I was shedding a few tears. ¨Is THE Antisepticeye, crying¨NO. Shutup...¨ ¨uh-huh?¨ ¨Lets just go get breakfast already. I'm fooking STARVIN'.¨

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