Just Breathe (Virgil)

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Virgil pov

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and panting uncontrollably from the third nightmare this week. I looked back over to the digital clock on my bedside table: 1:13 am. A-fucking-mazing. I knew all the sides would be asleep and even if they weren't, they wouldn't be much help. So I exited my room, walked down the hallway to y/n's room and knocked. Hoping she wasn't awake. BUT, just to my luck, she opened the door and had a concerned look when she saw I was trembling. 

Your pov

When I opened the door, I found Virgil staring at me like he just saw a ghost and trembling. Remus, I swear to god if you did this you are DEAD. I pulled him into my room and ushered him onto the bed. ¨Let me guess. Nightmare.¨ ¨Uh-huh.¨ (my keyboard likes to switch symbols so... FUCK YOU LAPTOP. sorry.) I put on a song that always helps me sleep while I told him to lie down with his stomach on the bed. (this actually helps me sleep. no joke.)

 I started to rub circles on his back to soothe him. ¨Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold for 7. And exhale for 8.¨ He did as I told him to, and he started to calm down. His breathing and his heartbeat were both steady. And after a while, he fell asleep.


Once the song was over, I laid next to him in case he had another nightmare. But I fell asleep. (bitch no, you aint gonna be a perv! >:<  )

Time skip to da mornin'

I woke up to people whispering and someone poking me. I looked over at Virgil who was pointing at all of the other sides who were apparently in my room. 


I was gonna go talk to Virgil when I noticed he wasn't in his room. He wasn't downstairs either because I was just there. The only other place he felt safe was y/n's room. When I walked in I saw them sleeping in the same bed. So naturally, I got all of the other sides to come and see it. Logan was the last to enter when Virgil woke up, saw us, then tried waking y/n up by poking her. When she did wake up, she was surprised to say the least, as were the other sides. I couldn't hold back a comment when it just slipped out. ¨Someone's been a naughty girl.¨ So I just rolled with it and put on a sly grin facing y/n.

Your pov

¨Someone's been a naughty girl.¨ And put on a sly grin, I lost it. ¨SHUT UP YOU BITCHY MOTHER FUCKER!¨ Two seconds later I remembered everyone was in my room. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK 

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