Chapter 7: "We Don't Speak Of This, Okay?"

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°Monday, The Next Day°

"You hungry? There's breakfast made." I asked from the kitchen as Angelique emerged from the room she was staying in for the time being. Her face was already healing. She was still in her sweat pants and hoodie and her hair was messy.
"Yeah sure. Thank you." She yawned. I made her a plate while holding Kalani in my arms. Symphony had just gone to work. She didn't like the situation at all, but she understood it. Me on the other hand, deep down I felt like I was useless. That was 2 people now that I wasn't there to stop it for.
After I made her a plate I poured her a cup of orange juice and sat it on the coffee table in the living room. I sat on the couch by her as she began to eat.
"So, after you eat you wanna go grab your things? I'll take you." I said.
"Uh, yeah yeah. Sure." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"How are you feeling today?" I asked.
"I'm fine. You?" She asked. I paused. She wasn't saying something.
"I'm... good. But really, what is it?"
"Nothing, Kyjuan." She said. "Why do you think there's something?"
"Well for one, nobody's ever okay after something like that overnight. Also you seem to be...hesitant." I said. She inhaled deeply.
"I'm sorry about the past." She said. "I haven't gone a day without thinking about you though." She said. I put Kalani on the floor to walk around.
"Yeah." Was all I could think of to say. It still bothered me a bit somewhere inside, but I kind of just, stopped thinking about it and focused on now and the future. But truly, a part of me knew she wasn't fully focused on him.
"Yeah?" She squinted. I looked to the side awkwardly then back to her.
"Yeah, I mean... what do I say to that?" I asked, confused.
"Something other than yeah for starters." She chuckled.
"I mean, me too to a degree."
"Sorry or thinking of me?"
"Thinking of you. Well, sorry I couldn't be whatever he was." I shrugged.
"It wasn't like that." She said softly.
"What was it?" I squinted. She paused.
"It was just...I don't know, we didn't spend too much time together and it felt like things were getting distant...and he started talking to me and making time for me and taking me out and all." She said timidly. I sighed.
"Ang, I know. But do you realize that the reason I was accepting so many doubles was to keep everything stable, and then some and pamper you in the log run? I'm sorry that trying to do that meant me being more absent, but I was only doing it to give you the luxury you deserved." I spoke truly. Her eyes began to water. "But everything happens for a reason, you know? And it's going how things are meant to go now so you shouldn't focus on the past. I forgive it all, just keep moving forward. We're good."
"You're such an amazing friend." She said, beginning to cry.
"I try to be."
"If we're going to be on good terms, I must get something off my chest." She said, wiping her eyes.
"What's up?"
"I...may still be feeling romantically toward you." She said quietly. What?
"Hm. Okay. Well... you have to keep that to yourself because I'm with someone else and I'm not trying to mess anything up, especially with my family." I said, scratching my head. She nodded unsurely.
"Okay, I can do that. Another thing...." She trailed off.
"Brian said something yesterday... about Donna." She said. My heart sank and my eyes locked on the floor.
"And what was that?" I asked calmly.
"Well when I confronted him he was saying things like invite Donna over, it'll be more fun for him, and she's nice." She began to get upset. I felt rage throughout my veins. I breathed deeply and shut my eyes, then looked at her and grinned.
"Are you ready to go get your stuff?" I asked quickly, seeing she finished her food.
"Uh... yeah." She said, taking her plate to the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and put Kalani in her car seat. Angelique put her hair in a messy bun and followed me out of the door.
When we got there I rolled all of the windows down. I didn't want Kalani inside because Brian's car was outside, and if things went south I needed her away from the area. I left the front door open though so I'd have a clear view of the car.
He sat on the couch on his phone.
"Oh wow, you went back to your trash bin that couldn't make you happy." He chuckled and said to Angelique. My eyes fixed on him. Fucking rage.
I walked over to him and grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him to his feet, punching him over and over until he fell. There was a feminine scream from the kitchen. There stood a white red headed woman in a red satin robe.
"Who the fuck are you?" Angelique shouted. "Why are you in my fucking house?"
"Brian said this was his house. You must be the pathetic ex, right?" She laughed. Angelique growled and charged for her, tackling her onto the floor. My eyes widened as she repeatedly punched her in the face and scratched her. She landed one last punch and knocked her out. I hadn't noticed Brian got up.
"What th--" He started before I turned and punched him in the jaw, making him fall and become knocked out.
"Now, your clothes?" I asked. She grinned and headed upstairs. Damn, that was dope.
I went outside and stood by the car near Kalani. She laughed when she saw me. I smiled and reached into the window, running my fingers through her hair. About 30 minutes later Angelique came out with a couple of bags of her things. I helped her put it in the trunk and we left. When we got back to my house, Kalani was asleep so I put her in her crib in her room then went to help Angelique unpack.
"Damn, you grabbed a lot of stuff huh?" I asked.
"Of course. I'm a girl." She chuckled. We were on the last bag. It was full of her underwear and lengerie.
"I'll let you take care of this one. I'll be in my room if you need anything." I said, getting up from the bed.
"Wait," She said, putting her clothes down. I sat back down. "That was really fun, don't you think?"
"Yeah, knocking people out?" I chuckled.
"Yeah. Together, though. It was such a rush." She smiled. I nodded. She sighed softly and stared at me. "It just makes me feel... different."
"Meaning?" I asked, looking at her intently. Why the hell was she staring at me so hard? She tried to say what she meant but couldn't seem to really put it into words. Before I knew it she just rushed in and kissed me. My eyes widened and my eyebrows furrowed. But her lips are so soft and sweet. I kept seeing flashes of Symphony's beautiful smile and the times she came to me because she trusted me. Jesus, flashbacks of Ang screaming my name and the times I've looked down at her, completely naked with beads of sweat on her forehead and tears in her eyes from pleasure. I then saw the day Symphony and I met in 2nd grade and how sweet she was. Kyjuan, stop it.
I pulled away and looked to the floor awkwardly.
"Ang---" I started.
"I'm sorry." She said, her hand over her mouth.
"It's.. it's ok just... keep your emotions to yourself, okay?" I said. She nodded. I got up and walked toward the door.
"Kee?" She said. I stopped in the doorway.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"What took you so long to pull away?" She asked. I paused. I honestly didn't know.
"We won't speak of this, okay?" I replied. She timidly nodded. I nodded back and went out, going into my room.
I sat on the edge of my bed, contemplating what the hell just happened. I couldn't break Symphony's heart like that... I couldn't say anything... yet? Ever? I needed a blunt.
I rolled a fat one and turned the television on. I laid on the bed, turning Kalani's walkee all the way up. I lit it and relaxed. Before I knew it, I felt extremely sleepy. I was about halfway done, and i put it out and fell asleep.

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