It's Just a Sandwich!

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Dr. Ziegler returned to the main lobby to see Jack on his knees and his head in his hands. His sobs were muffled but Angela could see from his shoulder movement that he was crying.

"Jack," Angela knelt down to the devastated man, "I'm here."

She brought Morrison into an embrace and rubbed his back as he continued to sob. This interaction lasted a few minutes.

"I have a few questions for you, Jack." Angela finally broke the silence between them. Her voice was gentle, but there was a subtle tremble in it.

"O-okay." Is all the man could muster.

Angela slowly rose from her kneeling position, and Jack followed suit.

Jack trembled as he followed the doctor to her office.

Angela shut the door behind them as they entered.

She sat in her chair and Morrison sat in the chair that was on the other side of the desk.

"I know this must be very hard for you right now, Jack...but we need to know some things to paint a better picture of what happened." Angela logged into her computer and pulled up Y/N's file.

She looked over at Jack, who was just staring blankly at the wall behind her.

"Jack?" She tried to regain Jack's attention. He didn't even blink.

She let out a soft sigh.

When she tried again, she was cut off by the door being abruptly shoved open.

"Dr. Ziegler, we need you now!" A male medical staff worker's voice was laced with urgency and concern.

Jack quickly got up from his chair. "Is it about [Y/N]?!"

The man wouldn't meet eye contact with Morrison as Angela got up from her chair. She adjusted her pencil skirt as she hastily met the man at the doorway.

"Is it about [Y/N]?" Jack repeated again, his voice more irritated and demanding.

His question was left unanswered. The two medical workers left Morrison on his own.

He could hear their urgent conversation echo through the hallway.

He started to calm down when all of a sudden he heard his daughter's name come from the male worker.

Jack exited Angela's office quickly. When he looked towards the direction the two had went, there was no one there.

He went towards the end of the hallway, seeing two different turns.

A look to the left. No one.

A look to the right. Angela ponytail went by on a turn to the right.

He sped his pace as he followed.

When he reached a close proximity to them, he saw the two staff members rush into a room, hastily shutting the door behind them.

Jack slowly made his way to the door. He didn't know what he should be preparing himself for. He took a deep breath.

As he peeked through the window of the room, his heart broke into millions of pieces.


His princess was hooked up to a lot of machines, with a tube down her throat and multiple IV's linked to her arms. Her vitals were not very promising, as far as he could tell anyway.

He backed away. Tears streamed down his face and his breathing became erratic. He tried to compose himself in order to figure out what was happening to his daughter.

He looked once more. Angela and the male staff worker were speaking frantically with other doctors. Angela injected a syringe into a tube that was connected to the unconscious girl in the bed. Her expression seemed urgent and she seemed to be mumbling "no no no" as she continued working on the girl. Her eyes darted up to the vitals every few moments. This only made Morrison more terrified.

Gabriel Reyes was also in the room, which made Jack seem taken aback. Why was Gabe in there and not him?

Reyes was showing some of the doctors a video on his laptop.

Jack squinted to get a better look.

Security footage? Why were they looking at security footage?

His daughter was on the screen, talking with a boy. She was sitting in a lounge room, laughing. The boy had a food tray in his hands, and his name tag said "Hunter Winters".

Jack recognized him as a new recruit that was a little older than Y/N.

Because Morrison had been so busy yesterday, this man made lunch for the girl. As soon as the tray was transferred to Y/N's lap, Gabe paused the video. Reyes pointed at the sandwich on the tray with a worried expression. He seemed to be briefing the medical professionals in the room.

But why was this important? It's just a sandwich!

Before he could think further, the door flung open.

"Oh- Morrison!" Angela exclaimed. "You scared me!"

Reyes entered the hallway as well. "Jack, I am sorry you have to go through this." He rubbed Morrison's shoulder to comfort the distraught man.

"Why were you in there with the doctors, Gabe?" Morrison's red and puffy eyes seemed to be laced with concern and confusion.

As soon as Gabriel went to open his mouth, Angela cut him off.

"Jack, we need to talk. Now."

The three of them speed walked back to Angela's office.

Angela sat at her desk and began to quickly type on her computer.

Reyes learned against the wall behind where Jack sat.

"What's going on?" Jack's voice trembled.

Angela looked up from the screen, and locked eyes with Reyes's, as if they were having a silent conversation with one another.

Jack felt Gabriel's hands rest onto his shoulders.

"Jack," Angela started. To keep composure, she took in a deep breath before continuing. "Your-"

"What, what is it?! What happened to my Princess?" Jack looked from both Gabe and Angela with terror and tears filling his eyes.

"Jack, your daughter has been poisoned."

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