Chapter Six: The Bell Test

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The moon hangs high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow to the world below. Hana has grown to feel comfortable under the moon, so used to meeting with Crow-sensei in the darkness of night. Ever since Kakashi left the Anbu, he's been home more. Which is great, don't misunderstand but at the same time ... It means she's seeing less of Crow-sensei.

"I see," Crow-sensei hums. "That's why you have been unable to meet."

Nodding, Hana continues her explanation, "Yeah, I'm worried I'll fall behind though, if we don't meet up as often as we used to."

"You've proven your strength, you won't fall behind. Who is your sensei?"

She beams. "Kakashi! That's why he left the Anbu, to become a sensei!"

"And your teammates?"

"Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."

Crow-sensei stiffens, unsure of whether to feel joyous or worried about this revelation. It seemed that fate was on his side, at the very least, putting his little brother and his student in the same team. Mentored by none other than the Copycat Ninja.

"Are you gonna teach me harder jutsus now?" Hana presses. "I've mastered the basics, came out first from the Academy. The only other student that could maybe challenge me is the Uchiha boy. But it's a biiiig maybe. So surely I can advance, right?" Her eyes took on a hopeful gleam as she looked up at him, trying to look as convincing as possible. "Pleeeease, Crow-sensei?"

He flicks her forehead.

"Begging isn't becoming of a shinobi. Neither is arrogance."

He holds back a smile at how much that annoys Hana.

"However, I will advance my teaching and move onto lightning and fire style jutsus. Let's begin, little one."


Exhausted, Hana crawls into bed just as the sun rises.

Her muscles ache, her chakra is depleted, she's sweaty and smelly. It doesn't take long for her to drift off to sleep - only to be awoken shortly thereafter.

"Hana ~" Kakashi's voice is cheerful as he pokes the misshapen lump under the blanket. "Wakey, wakey, sunshine ~"

Groggily, she sticks out her head from the covers. "Hm?"

"Whoa, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

She grumbles something unintelligible before letting out an ear piercing shriek as he pulls the blanket off of her.

"Get up and get showered. Team 7 have their first training exercise today, remember?"


Kakashi poofed to the training grounds, a sleepy Hana leaning against his arm. Her hair was still damp from the shower and the morning sun stung her eyes. Naruto's shouting didn't help either.


Kakashi smiles calmly, "Well, you see. A black cat crossed our path and kicked up dirt onto us so we had to go back home and shower - "


"What matters now is that we're here and ready to start the training exercise ~"

Team 7 took a seat on the ground as Kakashi explained the exercise to them. Hana leaned on Naruto's shoulder, half asleep. She knew that there were two bells and that's about it, the rest going right over her sleepy head. When Kakashi said, "Begin!" it made Naruto leap up, leaving Hana to slump over and bang her head on the dirt. Even Sasuke couldn't help but snort. If she wasn't so sleepy, she would knock both of their heads together for that.

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