Chapter Eighteen: The Akatsuki

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Kakashi's hand shook as he read the letter from Hana.

Dear Kakashi,

you are the best big brother I could ever ask for. I won't ask you to forgive me but just don't blame yourself. There's nothing you could have done to stop me.



Dear Naruto,

don't look for me. Keep training hard to become Hokage. I believe in you.



Dear Kiba,

I'll miss you. Give Akamaru a kiss from me.



Others had received such letters too, some longer, some with lines scratched out then rewritten. Shikamaru was always seen as a genius strategist but even he didn't forsee this happening. He blinks back tears as he and Choji find their letters.

Crow-sensei wasn't surprised to receive such a letter, attached to the leg of a crow. In fact, he was waiting for this day to come. Although he takes no pride in manipulating Hana into his plan, he did so for a good cause. And now, his plan was going just as he had hoped.

Sasori wasn't surprised nor did he see it coming.

If anything, he didn't care enough to ponder the letter.

What a brat, he tuts. She really is her mothers daughter.


Sasuke and Hana travelled together for as far as they could.

But at some point, their paths had to split.

The two rogue nins stop to say their goodbyes and Hana gets choked up. It all felt like a dream, like she would wake back up in Konoha tomorrow morning. But the ache in her heart and the frigid night air, reminded her that this was no dream. Reality was sinking in and she would not see her brother for a long time. And when they would meet, would he look down on her as a mere criminal?

"I'll miss you," Hana croaks out, swallowing down the tears. She refuses to cry, to let her voice break. So that's all she says.

"I'll miss annoying you," was all that Sasuke said before he flicked her forehead. "Take care of yourself, idiot."

As he started to walk away, Hana's hand grabbed his shirt instinctively.

It wasn't even a conscious decision.

Stopped in his tracks, he turns in confusion until Hana barrels into his arms. Although she doesn't cry, he can sense her immense sadness wash over him like a tidal wave. Sasuke hugs her back, resting his chin on her head.

He's not good with words. And even if he were, he wouldn't lie to her.

He can't promise that she made the right decision or that they will ever meet again. To say so would be an outright lie and he could never lie to her.

"Work hard, Hana. If anyone can bring about peace, it's you."

Knowing that she has to leave eventually, Hana pulls herself away. Sasuke disappears in the blink of an eye, his speed stunning her momentarily. She's left feeling alone and cold, fighting back tears.

There's no going back. So just keep moving forward, she tells herself.

And then she continues on.

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